While He's Away (His P.O.V) (Pt 3)

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Luke: I sigh and run a hand through my hair, putting my guitar down "can we take a break?" I ask quietly, I'm writing with Ashton and he nods, following me out of the studio "what's up? You seem a little out of it today" his hazel eyes are full of concern and I sigh, leaning against the wall "I'm just thinking about (Y/N) and the baby, I'm worried about her being alone" I admit, twisting my fingers together "I'm sure she's fine" Ashton reassures me, patting my shoulder "I don't know Ash, I mean we're talking about a woman who can't even see her own toes at the moment" I reply, he chuckles and shakes his head "(Y/N)'s a big girl Luke, she can look after herself. If you get really worried, just give her a call" he smiles, I nod, waiting for him to go back inside before grabbing my phone and dialling (Y/N).

Calum: I scroll through my messages and smile, looking at the twenty messages (Y/N) had sent me during the night complaining about the twins kicking her and each other and about her constant need to pee "Get off your damn phone Cal!" Ashton yells from his place behind the drums. I'm supposed to be taking part in band practice and I am about to turn off my phone when another message pops up from (Y/N), I open it and a huge smile spreads across my face "is that the twins?" Luke asks, peering over my shoulder "yeah" I say softly, my voice wobbling "you miss her huh?" He wraps an arm around my shoulder and I nod, biting my lip.

Ashton: "Shut up you guys! (Y/N) wants to Skype" I yell, motioning for the boys to be quiet, they crowd around my laptop excitedly, pressing accept so that (Y/N)'s grinning face pops up on my screen "hey baby" I chuckle, the boys wave and she laughs "hi you guys" she giggles, waving back "so how was your appointment? Everything good?" I ask hopefully, she nods excitedly and rummages around in her bag "look, I got a scan printed so you can see the baby" she holds the picture up close to the screen and I smile, chuckling softly "hey, look the baby's got boy bits!" Michael blurts, pointing at the screen "what?!" (Y/N) and I yelp at the same time, she pulls the picture away, scanning it excitedly "oh my god! You're right!...It's a boy...Ash it's a boy" "let me see!" I gasp, she holds the picture up again and my mouth falls open, tears filling my eyes "it is a boy" I whisper "I can't see, Luke move over" Calum whines, I laugh and point at the screen "oh...impressive" he snorts, I roll my eyes but I can't wipe the giant smile off my face.

Michael: "Pick up the damn phone" I whine, pressing call again for the seventh time "she's still not picking huh?" Luke asks from the bunk above mine "no, I'm freaking out man" I sigh, dropping my phone on my chest and running a hand through my hair "maybe she's taking a nap" he suggests, I bite my lip and nod, suddenly my phone starts ringing and I answer it quickly "baby?" "Michael, what's going on you called me like two thousand times" her voice sounds worried and I sigh in relief "I was just worried because you weren't picking up" I chuckle, rolling onto my stomach and resting my chin in my palm "oh, I was just helping your mum with dinner" she giggles, I hear her open a door and then the sound of barking fills my ear, (Y/N) covers the reciever but I can still hear her muffled shushing "babe? What was that?" I ask "nothing! Nothing it was nothing" she says quickly, I groan "(Y/N)" I say sternly, she sighs "I got a puppy, but he's so cute Mikey! You have to see him you'll love him! He's a little pit bull and he's got blue eyes and he's gray and-" "you bought a pit bull for a house with a baby on the way?" I try to keep my voice calm "they were gonna euthanize him Michael" she says softly, I sigh and rub my eyes, I can tell by the tone of her voice that this means a lot to her "how's Anastasia?" I mumble, trying to change the subject "she's great, kicking a lot though" she giggles "oh and Mikey, I love you, and you're going to adore Wario" she hangs up and I groan "Wario, what the fuck kind of name for a dog is that?" I mumble to myself, unable to fight the smile on my face.

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