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"Oh? You want to go to the moon?"

Blue orbs stared at purple orbs.

Sayuri nodded.

"May I ask why?" Kirari said.

"Mama says the moon is pretty with grey hair and blue eyes," Sayuri replied.

Beside Kirari, Sayaka hid her face behind her book, pretending to read.

Kirari smirked. "Is that so. Well, I actually think the moon has dark violet hair and eyes. The moon is fascinating in every way and never fails to capture my attention."

She enjoyed watching Sayaka's face turn beet red.

"Ohhh you mean mama," Sayori realised.

"Yori!" Sayaka exclaimed, dropping the book in her hands.

"Mhm. That's right," Kirari said as she caressed her wife's cheek. "Your mother is utterly fascinating."

Sayaka stared at Kirari, breathing heavily. "Ki—rari—"

Sayaka fainted, her body slumping into Kirari's arms. Kirari chuckled as she carried Sayaka onto the bed. She looked at her children. "You two can sleep with us tonight. But only tonight."

Sayuri and Sayori squealed and hopped onto the bed, curling up beside their parents.

(the next day)

"Yuri, the book says the moon is a Satellite. So mama isn't human?" Sayori said in confusion.

Meanwhile, Ririka, who was babysitting the two, let out a surprised gasp. It seemed that she actually believed the two children.

In a frantic, she texted Kirari. 'Your wife is a satellite?!'


Kirari frowned as she received the message from Ririka. "What on earth......" she mumbled.

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