tyler galpin

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do i CARE he's the monster? no! of course not! and i don't even like men!

You'd been having nightmares for months and had no idea what to do about them. Waking up in tears from dreams you can barely even remember;  from natural disasters to assault. You didn't thinj it was a huge deal, it was just apart of your life.

Being the first one to wake up at sleepovers with your boyfriend Tyler helped, because you could play it off as going to the bathroom and wash yourself clean of the dreams.

Tonight was once again, one of those nights. You and Tyler fell asleep in his bed, watching some Netflix series wrapped in cozy blankets and each other. From the outside it seemed peaceful, but in your mind it was a war.

Literally, you were dreaming about a war. It was incredibly vivid. You were in war all by yourself, expected to fight an entire army with tanks and machine guns while you had nothing but a knife. You were annihilated in your dream as you faced humiliation and death.

In reality, you shot up wide awake, accidentally clashing heads with Tyler as you did so.

"Y/N, what happened?"

"Nothing Tyler, go back too sleep, I'm going to go to the bathroom." You tried to get up to go clear your mind, but Tyler's arm was wrapped on top of you.

"Y/N, you make bathroom trips too often in the middle of the night. I'm not saying you don't need to pee, but I need to know if there's something else going on. You dissappear for hours. What's up?"

You didn't expect Tyler to call you out on your shit like that. As much as you wanted too keep your composure, you couldn't. Not with his honesty.

You started to cry and could barely get your words out, "I'm sorry. I wake up every night with these horrible scary dreams and I never want to tell you and wake you up-" by this time tears and snot were streaming down your face and the stuttering was making it hard to understand you. Nonetheless, Tyler understood you.

"Love, I'm sorry these dreams have been happening. I am always here for you, even in the middle of the night. I'll tell you any affirmations you need, you're safe and loved with me. You can cry in my shirt. I'll even go to the bathroom with you, okay?" He was wiping the tears off your cheeks as you both sat criss cross applesauce facing each other in his bed.

You wanted to thank him but you didn't have the energy too. You just nodded your head and fell into his chest still crying. Tyler understood. And it was such a relief that someone knew now, despite you not wanting anyone to know. You were still anxious for fall asleep again, so Tyler just stroked your hair and face until you finished crying and held each other again. Not necessarily asleep, but in a loving silence.


Dear God I haven't written a piece of fanfiction in actual years. God Bless America.

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