wednesday addams

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i just know she would be so blunt in real life

Wednesday felt stupid. For the first time in her life. She hated it. Despised it. Because she looked at you and she knee she couldn't keep her own composure.

For a girl so against emotions, she felt all of them when she was around you. Her cleverness folded. She couldn't help but tug on her own braids when she could only look at your lips and not even in your eyes. In class Wednesday sat with her legs squeezed together when she couldn't focus on lessons and only thought about you. In explicit ways.

She knew her emotions made her weak. She thought of no better way to get rid of them other than telling you. She had tried to ignore them but she realized that rationalizing them only her head wasn't the best way to get rid of them. She had to do what was best to get rid of them.

Luckily, you two were dormmates (which is part of why she couldn't ignore the emotions-she couldn't ignore you).

Wednesday sat at her type writer, though not typing, waiting for you to come in from [sport/band/choir/] practice. She knew exactly what time you'd walk in that door, she'd picked up on your schedule in the last few weeks. But today you were late. You were supposed to be in at 5:56, but today you came in at 6:35. Wednesday had been sitting, waiting for you for an hour and ten minutes.

You burst through the door laughing. "Hey Weds," (there was the nickname she couldn't help but wide-eye and thigh-squeeze at) "practice was-"

"You're late." She interrupted, turning in her chair, "you're never late."

You raised your eyebrows, unhappy to be interrupted, "Well, if you'd let me finish my sentence, you would have heard that today was Pen's birthday. We sat after practice watching them open presents and shared cookies. Besides, when did you become the time police?" You scoffed.

"I wanted to talk to you about something."

"And it couldn't have waited a few minutes?"


"Well hurry up and tell me then pissy pants."

Wednesday stood up from her chair and walked in front of you. She stood about 3 feet in front of you with her hands in front of her. Looking straight at your nose.

"Y/N, emotion is weakness. Which is why I have to tell you that I feel emotion around you. And we can't be friends anymore because of it."

You were shocked. This didn't make sense. "What kind of emotion?"

"Well, being straightforward. You make me lose my words. Even this conversation I had to plan out. And you make me incredibly turned on."

This shocked you even more. Your face was hot. "I m-make you, turned on?"

"Yes. Don't flatter yourself. You're mot the first and you won't be the last. We are human beings." How could Wednesday keep her straight face composure this whole time?

You decided to use this information right. There was only one right thing to do. You took a step closer to her, closing the gap. Leaning into her face, just barely before her lips. Moving your hands to hover, one just over her hip and one next to her cheek.

"What emotion are you feeling, right now?" You asked, breathing almost into her mouth.

She tried to speak but nothing came out. Yoy brushed just the slightest of fingers against her cheek and waist. She breathed in slightly, but she didn't move. So you did.

You finally closed the gap between you two, pressing your lips onto hers. Finally you pulled her hips into meet yours and your second hands moved from her cheek to her back. Wednesday kissed back, moving her hands to behind your neck. She tasted like her own blackberry lipstick she wore every day, and you knew that it would rub off on yourself. You couldn't help but imagine what the color would look like all over your body.

You disconnected lips and each took a step back in unison.

"Maybe you don't want to be friends anymore, because you want to be something more?" You smirked and questioned.

Wednesday was still in shock, obviously not knowing what to say. "Y/N, you are my weakness. But this is one I could live with."

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