bianca barclay

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i am basing this off my actual experience being bullied this year #storytime

don't mind the religious references it's incredible imagery

You were walking through the hallway on your way to your next class. Not expecting anything different than the usual day, just waving and smiling anytime you saw a classmate and minding your own business.

"Ew a roach! A roach! Step on it! Ew!" And spit came flying towards your face.

And there was the usual!

Another teenage girl who is too insecure and attention seeking to mind her own business was making fun of you again. It wasn't out of the norm for you to be cussed out or called names by not only this girl, but any of her relatives passing in the hallway.

What wasn't usual was what happened to this girl the minute the 2nd "ew" came out of her mouth. While most of the time you'd just keep walking and so would she, that wasn't the case. All of a sudden, the girl was on her knees in the floor in front of you.

"Please forgive me father, for I know not what I've done." You had no idea what had gotten into her. She stayed at her knees in a praying position underneath you, slightly mumbling prayers under her breath. Like you were some God and she was a sinner.

Everyone in the hallway was staring, except for one girl, Bianca Barclay. A girl in a few of your classes that you had never interacted with, but that doesn't mean you didn't know her or her power well enough to say she was pulling this.

You looked at the girl on her knees and knew the right thing was to walk away. But you couldn't help yourself, and you spit on her face, then wiped your hand across it to smear her makeup.

You turned around and kept walking, just far enough to where she couldn't really know where you'd gone. Behind you, the spell on her had broken and she stood up confused.

You quickly moved into your next class but couldn't focus. Why had Bianca done that? She rarely used her powers after the Xavier incident, and much less on people she didn't care about? You spent the hour daydreaming about what was going on in Bianca's head.

Luckily you had her next class. Right before you walked in the door, you saw Bianca down the hallway and ran to her, pulling her into a side closet to her surprise.

"What was that?" You asked.

"Why did you pull me into a closet?" Bianca struggled, the two of you both barely fitting into the closet without bodies clinging together.

"I know you did that thing, in the hallway earlier. You don't know me. Why?" You pressed further.

"I can't stand to see you be treated like shit over and over Y/N," Bianca sounded frustrated, "I know you better than you think. And I refuse to let that girl get away with any more of her ridiculous, uncreative, sour insults. Besides, it felt good to spit on her, didn't it?"

Bianca smiled, knowing she'd gotten you with that. She'd also gotten comfortable in the closet with you, leaning forwards towards you. It had felt good to get back at her, even though it was against your moral compass.

Your silence was enough of an answer for her, "I knew you'd like it. Some sort of masochist." Bianca smirked, and then quickly went back to her neutral straight face.

"Get out of the closet, everyone will think we're fucking."

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