The Funeral of a betrayed

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Dyana stood with her arms around her boys as Helaena stood next to Daena. They stood in the funeral pool of Driftmark behind the King as Laena Velaryon is put into the sea.

After their last conversation Daemon had left for Pentos with his new lady wife. The conversation was made from anger, hurt, loathing and sadness.

They no longer would call each other husband and wife and her children would not be his. Just hers. She would make sure if that. Not that she needed any help, Viserys ignored them so they turned to their mother who showered them with enough love to kill a dragon.

Set Criston who she had saved from ending his own life at the end of Rhaenyra and Laenor's wedding was now her sworn shield. He stepped in as a father figure to her children and for that she could never thank him enough.

She had started her own court. A Green Council if you like, it was made of; Alicent, Otto, Criston, Larys, the Lannisters and of course House Hightower.

They worked in the shadows of the dragon court, slowly putting down anyone who would oppose them. In contrast to what she had used to say she was getting Aegon ready for being King.

Together they would listen to the small council and she would ask him what he would do differently. And if it was a good suggestion she would relay it to her father who would make it come about.

He was pleased his daughter was finally getting Aegon ready to rule. Rhaenyra had been allowed to much freedom, never once did she try and calm down enough to take an interest in what ruling would be like.

Everyone in the Red Keep bar Viserys and Rhaenyra knew what Dyana was doing and they knew most of the best suggestions Otto put forward was the King's son's. (Or that is what everyone thought to be true).

Dyana was clever enough to know that if Aegon was put on the throne he would need some support. Some lords would push for Rhaenyra but they would have less of a hold of people knew what Aegon was able to do.

Alicent looked over at her sister who looked back at her both silently having a conversation before looking over at Rhaenyra with her two brown haired boys. The Princess in question looked up upon feeling eyes to look back at her once best friend and her step-mother.

Rhaenyra straightens her back as she returns their gazes before looking at Vaemond as he openly questions her sons. The glances and looks thrown at her soon make her uncomfortable but the eyes soon turn to Daemon who chuckles when he notices the uncomfortably stance his niece is in.

Dyana also looks at Daemon to see he is looking right back at her before he looks between their children.

He looks at her again just in time to see the look of disgust she throws at him before she looks back at the coffin which is pulled into the ground.

That look breaks Daemon. Why? He is not sure but he does know it breaks him. He had never seen that look before. Not once on his love's face.

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