Chapter 1 - The Meeting

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To become a villain, you had to have become disillusioned, and in order to become disillusioned you had to have been passionate about something you believed in that was shaken and ripped from your grasp as a protagonist in that stage of your life, leaving you disillusioned with God, if you will.

"Hello" = Talking

'Hello' = Thinking


Eric's POV - After being teleported to the New World-

Eric falls out of the sky and does a fucking superhero landing

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Eric looks around and sighs

"What is he planning this time?" Satan asks while standing up

"I have no idea, but we need to play his game for the time being." Eric says while looking up

"So what's the plan for now?" Satan asks Eric and Eric sighs

"Well we don't need shelter, since nothing was taken away from us." Eric says to Satan

"Exploring?" Satan asks Eric

"That's the best thing to do now." Eric says and walks away with Satan to explore the New World

Rosetta's POV - After being teleported to the New World-

Rosetta falls out of the sky and crashes into the ground

"Fuck man, I almost broke my back." Rosetta says while slowly getting up

"Same." Willow says while slowly getting up

"How the fuck did you get here?" Rosetta asks Willow

"Guy appeared, bitch slapped me, which killed me, took me to a place called the in between and teleported me here." Willow says

"Damn, me too." Rosetta says to Willow while chuckling softly

"So, what's the plan?" Willow asks Rosetta

"We need to get out of here as fast as possible." Rosetta says while looking up

"But how do we do th-" Willow says before stopping and looking in the distance

"Hm? What is it Willow?" Rosetta asks Willow, being a bit concerned

"Rosetta, use that spell so that you can feel presences." Willow says to Rosetta, slightly scared

Rosetta does so and is shocked by the presences she feels

"W-What the fuck is that?' Rosetta asks, also slightly scared

"I don't know but should we check it out?" Willow asks Rosetta

"I-I don't really think thats a smart idea." Rosetta says

"Wait, they are coming closer." Willow says

Rosetta and Willow look up and see two beings, standing there looking at them

'Damn, the one with the white tips is kinda ho- wait why am I thinking this, they are gonna fucking kill us.' Rosetta says in her mind

Eric's POV -Before finding Rosetta and Willow-

Eric and Satan are walking around in the New World

"He sure did put much time in this, didn't he?" Satan asks Eric and looks at him

"He sure did." Eric says while looking around

"You think he also got other people to come here?" Satan asks

"Most likely." Eric says and looks in the distance

"But then the question is who." Satan says while sighing

Eric keeps looking in the distance "There are people here." Eric says

"Oooooo. Powerful people?" Satan asks

"Not really, it's more something that one of them has that is a bit more powerful but that's about it." Eric says and Satan groans in annoyance

"C'mon, we are gonna see who those two are." Eric says and walks away and Satan follows

"You think they are gonna be nice or not?" Satan asks Eric

"Most likely not, because I look the same as Celestial Eric." Eric says and Satan hums in agreement

"You think they can beat us?" Satan asks while smirking

"No." Eric says and walks up a hill while Satan follows

Eric and Satan look down and see two beings, standing there, looking at them

'Damn, the girl with the book is  t h i c c.' Eric says in his mind

"Who the fuck are you two?!" The girl with the book shouts

Satan looks at Eric "You were right, not powerful at all." 

"I know." Eric says while looking at the girl with the book

The girl with the book growls and opens the book, sending fireballs towards Eric

"Fireballs, huh?" Eric smirks while standing still


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