Chapter 12 - Just Like The Old Days

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Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.


Eric's POV

I woke up from a 3 hour nap and I looked around, blushing because of the dream I had

I slowly stood up, stretching and walked out, going to the living room

I sat down and I kept thinking about the dream I had

I shook my head and went to the kitchen to get some coffee

I made my coffee and took a sip, looking outside

"There is no way he would have died to that attack." I said to myself softly

"Yeah, he survived that." I hear Satan say behind me and I sighed

"I told you she is just like him, but a bit different." Satan says to me and I nod

"Well, I'm off to train. See ya." Satan says and walks out

I sigh and sit down on the couch while thinking about the dream

I slowly slide off the couch while my blush gets worse and worse 'Why can't I get that dream out of my head?' I think to myself

After I was done questioning my life, I got up and went outside

"Guess I need to train a bit." I say to myself while looking at my hand

After walking for a bit, I stopped in the middle of the forest and I sat down

I took a deep breath and started meditating

Rosetta's POV

I woke up after I heard knocking on the door

Groaning, I step out if bed and put some clothes on

"I'm gonna kill the fucking person who woke me up from my dream." I say to myself while walking to the door

I open the door and see a child standing infront of me

"What do you want?" I say to the kid, putting on a fake smile

"Do you know where we are?" The child asks me

I sigh and rub my forehead "No, I don't. Now can you leave?" I say to the kid, slowly losing my patience

"Oh, I see. Sorry for disturbing you." The kid says, sounding sad

I look at the kid and he looks very familiar

"Wait, do I know you?" I ask the kid and he shakes his head

"Wait, what are you doing here?" I hear Satan say

"You know him?" I ask Satan and he nods

"Yeah. It's Eric as a child." Satan says and I look at Child Eric, confused

"How the fuck?" I ask and Satan chuckles

"He just appeared one day." Satan says and I just keep looking at Child Eric


No One's POV

After Satan let Child Eric, he is nomming on a fucking cookie

"So, how did you get here?" Satan asks Child Eric and he shrugs

"I don't know, I just appeared here." Child Eric says and Satan groans

"Fuck, okay then." Satan says while Rosetta is just staring at Child Eric "Don't get weird thoughts, you horny bitch." Satan says to Rosetta

"I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna fuck a child." Rosetta says and Satan looks at her deadpanned "I was talking about murder." Satan says while Rosetta sweatdrops

"Oh." Rosetta says while looking away

After a bit of awkward silence, the door opens and all three look to see Eric, standing there

"How the fuck did you get here?" Eric asks Child Eric

"I don't know, I just appeared." Child Eric says while Eric is getting some coffee

"You were just doing your own thing and you just appeared here?" Eric asks Child Eric while drinking coffee and Child Eric nods "Alright." Eric says

"Question, how many Eric's are there?" Rosetta asks and Eric's, Satan's and Child Eric's eyes darken "Uhhhh, did I ask something bad?" Rosetta asks them

"There are too much to count." Eric says

"Uhhh, okay." Rosetta says and Satan looks at Eric "She about to do something." Satan says

Right on queque, Rosetta jumps on Eric's lap, making Eric drop his coffee in the process

Eric, Satan and Child Eric look at Rosetta with dead eyes

"I will fucking end you..." Eric says to Rosetta

After Child Eric got fucking traumatized by screams, Eric walked out of his own room with a deadpan face

After a while, Rosetta came wobbling out of the room "Was that needed?" Rosetta asks while groaning

"Yes." Eric says with a deadpan face

Rosetta sighs and falls on the couch

"Is there a room I can stay in?" Child Eric asks and Satan points to a room "Thanks." Child Eric walks to the room

"Well, I'm gonna explore more, so see ya." Satan says as he walks out

Eric walks to the kitchen and comes back with a cup of coffee

"You okay?" Eric asks Rosetta and she groans

"You literally almost killed me, so yeah I'm fine." Rosetta says, making Eric chuckle

"Your cute." Eric says softly, making Rosetta blush slightly

"T-thanks." Rosetta says and looks at the ceiling

Eric sits on a chair and looks at her

"I'm actually suprised." Eric says, making Rosetta look at him

"About what?" Rosetta asks him and Eric chuckles dryly

"That you chose me." Eric says

"What do you mean?" Rosetta says while sitting up

Eric looks down at his coffee "I'm literally one of the worst people to date." Eric says

Rosetta looks at Eric, being worried "Where is this all coming from?" Rosetta asks Eric

"I don't know." Eric says softly

Rosetta stands up and sits on Eric's lap, making him look at her

"I'm sorry." Eric says softly, trying to look away

Rosetta kisses his forehead and pushes his head between her boobs

Eric slowly hugs her and she smiles "Good boy." She says softly

Eric slowly falls asleep after a while


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