Chapter 8 - Truth

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Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships.


Eric's POV

I slowly wake up in a room

"What?..." I say while holding my head

I slowly run my hand through my hair and I feel two dog ears, making my eyes widen

"Oh god, no no no no no no." I say while running to a mirror and my eyes widen

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I ask myself "I can't even turn back." I rub my forehead

Someone knocks on my door, which leads me to jump under the covers "W-Who's there?" I ask the person knocking on my door

"Don't worry, it's just me." I hear Satan say while he walks in

I slowly get out from under the covers and look at him

"How you feeling?" Satan asks me and I sigh

"I don't know." I say while rubbng my forehead

"So, you can't change back?" Satan asks me, looking at me a bit concerned

"Yep, I used way too much energy to injure him for the time being." I say softly

Satan sighs and looks at the door "You know that they will find out one day right?" Satan asks 

I look down "I know..." I say

"You need some food? Rosetta made some." Satan says and I nod

"I'll be right back." Satan says as he walks out

After a while, Satan walks back in and places the plate of food on the table

"You need anything else?" Satan asks me and I slowly shake my head

"Well, you know how you can reach me." Satan says before walking out

I look at the food and eat it, being a bit suprised that it tastes pretty good

After I was done eating, I laid down in the bed and took a nap

After like 2 hours, I woke up and fell, breaking my glasses


After hearing music in my ears for 3 minutes and 3 seconds, I stood up from the floor and grabbed my secondary glasses

I put them on and grabbed my broken glasses that are on the floor and repaired them

I sighed and decided to take a shower

I sneaked to the shower (stealth 100 bitch) and entered the bathroom

I took my clothes off and then I heard the door open, making me slowly turn around

I see Rosetta walking in, yawning and then looking at me

We were both silent for a minute, looking at eachother

"WHAT THE FU-" Rosetta screamed


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