Chapter 2 - The Calm Before The Storm

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Some people are cowards... I think by and large a third of people are villains, a third are cowards, and a third are heroes. Now, a villain and a coward can choose to be a hero, but they've got to make that choice.

"Hello" = Talking

'Hello' = Thinking


No one's POV

As the fireballs were fired (no pun intended), I just stood there, smirking

I got hit by the fireballs and much to my dissapointment, it didn't hurt

Eric sighs "Was that all man?"

"HOW THE FUCK?" Rosetta screams and spawns a sword out of her booba and jumps to Eric, trying to slash him

As Rosetta keeps slashing at Eric, he keeps dodging and he boops her nose, making her more mad

"TAKE ME SERIOUSLY, YOU BITCH!" Rosetta screams and turns into her full power mode

Eric slighly gets excited "Finally, some po-" Eric says and stops himself, sighing

"Sad." Eric says while dodging Rosetta's sword swings and her spells

Meanwhile in the background Satan and Willow are doing rock paper scissors

Rosetta spawns in a wall of lasers and launches them to Eric

Eric smirks and slowly grabs his scythe and slashes the air infront of him

The lasers that were fired towards Eric dissapear, shocking Rosetta

"Ha, told you he would stop it." Satan says to Willow

"How the fuck?" Willow asks

"Magic bullshit." Satan says

"You done?" Eric asks while looking at Rosetta

"S-Shut the fuck up." Rosetta says while panting

Eric slowly puts his scythe away and sighs

Rosetta tries to run towards Eric to slash him, but falls on the ground

"Is that really needed?" Eric asks while turning around and looks at Celestial Eric

"Of course it was needed, I'm bored man." Celestial Eric says while softly landing on the ground

"What do you want?" Eric asks Celestial Eric

"I see that you met, in weird ways." Celestial Eric says while looking at Rosetta and then back at Eric

"Anyways, welcome to my new world." Celestial Eric says

Celestial Eric dodges a dagger thrown by Eric "Fine, I'll say the stuff you want to know you dick. So, what I want you all to do is life in harmony. Of course there will be shit stopping you all, but let's see if you all can handle that. Anyways there is a house WITH a drugs lab for the two there." Celestial Eric says and points to Rosetta and Willow "Also there is population here. And yes Eric, there is also a huge library in the house and coffee." Celestial Eric says while sighing

"Do you all understand?" Celestial Eric asks

"Yep." Satan and Willow say at the same time

Eric nods and Rosetta slowly stands up and tries to attack Celestial Eric but is stopped by Eric

"Calm down, you can get your revenge later." Eric whispers in Rosetta's ear and Rosetta slowly calms down

"Well goodluck you all." Celestial Eric says before vanishing

Eric slowly lets go of Rosetta and looks up

"Hell will soon break out.... I can feel it." Eric says softly while clenching his fist


Eric X Rosetta: Two Fucking Insane PeopleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz