Chapter 1

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The soft rays of sun shining on my face was the first thing I felt on my skin as I was woken awake from my deep slumber. The ringing of the alarm irritating my ears. I turned of the alarm and sqinted my eyes because of the sun rays, I reached for my phone that I put on charging before going to bed last night. I opened the phone to check if I got any messages.

My eyes falls on the date when I turned on my phone. "It's my birthday how could I not remember that, I will finally get my soulmark today."  exitiment could be heard in my voice. I was wide awake now and quickly got up from the bed and ran straight to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth. I couldn't wait anymore to see my soulmark tattoo.

I have been waiting for it for years. I first found out about soulmate when I was in 4th grade our teacher carefully explaining us about soulmate and their history. She told us what different type of colors in your mark represents. Black meant you have yet to meet your soulmate, Purple meant you met your soulmate, Grey meant your soulmate is not in this world anymore.

The topic of soulmate was really interesting to me. I remember coming back from school and asking my mom hundreds of questions about soulmates and soul bond. She answed all of my questions with patience and a smile on her face. I also found out that my parents were soulmate.

Out of curiosity I asked her how she met dad, her face had a big smile as she told me about how she met dad, how shy and nervous he was when he tried to ask her out on a date but could never do that. I laughed a little when she told me how in the end she ended up asking him out on front of whole campus.

Seeing my parents begin so in love made me fall in love with the idea of having soulmates. I liked to know that there will be someone in the world who will love me unconditional without asking me for anything in return. My mother also told me about having multiple soulmates and it was common for people to have more than one soulmate.

I was now playing with the end of my sleeve, suddenly nervous to see my soulmark. I slowly roll up the sleeve of the shirt I was wearing, my eyes closed in a bit of fear. I slowly opened my eyes to see my hand.

I saw seven pretty butterflies on my hand I was shocked to see my tattoos but not because I had seven soulmates but because the colour of all of the tattoos were gray.

My eyes was wide open in shock. My mind went completely blank, tears started streaming down my face. My legs felt really shaky I sat down on the bathroom floor and pulled my legs to my chest. I couldn't pull away my eyes from my gray tattoos. As a agonizing cry left my mouth soon followed by loud sobs.

I couldn't process what was happening to me,"Why, why did it happened to me I-I." It was getting hard for me to form more words it was like I lost my voice. I could suddenly feel the void in my heart where the bonds should be.

I suddenly hear the sound of footsteps coming toward my bathroom door, there was a loud knock on the bathroom door. "Yn baby what happened, Your father and I heard your cries are you ok. Did you hurt yourself accidently, baby?" I heard my mother's worried voice ask me.

"M-mom my soulmarks they're-" I could even finish my words before they were cut off because a sudden sob was ripped away from my throat, my voice was really shaky and my throat started to hurt.

"What happened Y/N is there a problem with it, did you not get it? If that's the case then please don't cry you know I told you there are people who get there tattoo later. Please open the door Y/N I am worried." I really wish that was the case but it wasn't.

I got up from the floor and went toward the door to open it. I turned the door Knob and moved back a little as the door was opened with a force. My mother eyes was watching me with concern, I slowly raised my hand to show her the marks. She gasped and hugged me close to her chest to comfort me a little. I warped my hand around her and buried my face in her neck, my tears started staining her clothes but she didn't care about that.

She held me close as I cried in her arms. She gently pated my back with her hands. "It will be  OK darling, I am here with you." "We are here for you, Your father and I will help you." she say gently voice dripping with sadness for her daughter. She knew she cannot make it better for her in a day or by few words, It will take time for her daughter to heal from the loss of her soulmate.

I said nothing but continued to hold her tightly. Just wishing for all of this day to be a bad dream. But deep inside I know that it wasn't the dull ache in my heart was the proof of it. The thing I waited so long for, my dream of having a good life with my soulmates and to spend my whole with them were broken. I don't know what to think about my fate.

Author's note: Hello I hope you liked the chapter it took me alot of time to write because just as I started writing it, my mind went blank I could think how I should start. I know what I wanted to write but it was hard for me to put it in words.

Also I have written a yoongi x little!reader oneshot too but I am not sure when I should post it or If you'd be interested in reading it.

Please tell me in the comments what you think about the story , thankyou for reading 😊


Amethyst(BTSxreader)Where stories live. Discover now