Chapter 4

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I kept walking toward the origin of the light. My surrounding was cold and quiet. I was thinking about Rihan and where she vanished. "Was it just my illusion" "Am I finally losing my mind", I huffed as finally reached the source of the light.

There was an old-looking bookshop with a few lanterns hanging outside the shop.

A strong gust of breeze blew making me shiver and warp my hands tightly around my cold body.

"It seems like it is going to rain soon, Why don't you come inside" I flinched hearing a voice from behind me.

I looked back to where the voice came from, there was a lady probably in her 30s with a box in her hand.

"Oh I am sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," she says with a soft voice.

"Oh it's ok I was just surprised," I said soothing my pounding heart.

"Please come inside it seems like it is going to rain soon, you will get drenched.", "You can read something if you want from the shop until it is safe to go back"

Just as she finished speaking it started to rain cats and dogs.

She opened the door and gestured for me to come inside. I quickly went inside not wanting to fall sick.

"Thank you, "I said while looking around the shop.

The shop had a cosy atmosphere, there were a few tables with some chairs in the left corner of the shop with many wooden bookshelves on the right side.

The books and the shelf looked aged, but they were neat. The shop had a smell of old books all around it.

"Please sit down," the lady said holding two cups in her hand.

I didn't realize that she was gone, too lost in looking around the shop.

I take a chair near me and sit down, she hands me a hot cup of what seems like Jasmine tea from its smell.

"The weather is really cold, this will warm you up" she takes a seat beside me and blows a little on the hot tea.

"Oh, Thank you so much you already helped me a lot"

"You are too polite, but what are you doing here at night in this chilly weather?" she asks taking a sip of the tea.

"I lost my way and my phone is also not working" I replied holding the hot mug with both hands to warm them up a little.

Bringing up the cup to my lips I take a sip of the warm tea.

"Oh, when the rain stops I could help you find your way."

"That will be helpful," I let out a relieved sigh.

She just nods her head with a small smile. I continue to drink my tea looking at the rain pouring outside from the glass window.

After finishing the tea the lady took the empty glasses and put them on the table beside us.

"I have to arrange some books why don't you go look around for something to read".

I nod my head as she leaves from there towards a box in another corner of the shop.

I get up and go near the bookshelf to see if there is anything I will be interested in reading.

The books on the shelf didn't have names on their spine. All of them had dull brown or black covers.

I continued to look over the shelf when something at the end of the shelf caught my eye.

Moving toward it, I reached the very back of the shop there was a book with a bluish-green-coloured cover.

Picking up the book carefully I examine it, this book was different from the other books. I felt like I was enchanted by the book.

It had golden-coloured flowers and leaves embroidered on it. There were two blue-coloured butterflies on the front.

I took the book with me and went to take a seat on the table that was near me. Pulling out the chair I sat on it with the book carefully clutched in my hands.

I held the book with one hand while my fingers caressed the cover.

I opened the book gently the pages of the book were yellow and crispy. There was a picture between the first and second pages of the book.

I carefully pick the picture up and look at it.

There was a long hallway in the picture, the hallway was filled with different types of flowers.
There were pastel pink, baby blue, purple and white coloured flower all of them looked fresh and beautiful.

The hallway lead to a tall dark oak wooden door with a gorgeous design engraved on it. Many pretty lamps were in the hallway leading to the tall door.

I caressed the picture with my hand still holding the book with the other hand lost in the picture.

A bright light shined in my eyes suddenly. I dropped the book on the floor and saw that the light was coming from the book.

"What is this," I said in a shaky voice freaked out.

There was a strong smell of flowers surrounding me. The light was slowly engulfing all of my surroundings, it was getting harder for me to see anything.

I bring both of my hands to cover my eyes to protect them from the irritating bright light.

To be continued...

Author's note:

Hello everyone, I couldn't post last week because I was sick. I had a fever for three days and my throat was hurting a lot I wasn't able to swallow anything it took a week to get better. I also had a  headache for some days.

My phone also broke it took two days to come back from the service center.

All the problems decided to attack me together 😭.

What a nice way to start a new year.

I hope you all had a great week unlike me.

Please tell me if you liked the chapter bye bye 💜.

Amethyst(BTSxreader)Where stories live. Discover now