Chapter 2

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It has been 8 years since I got my soul marks, these years had been really hard for me. But my parents never left my side they helped me a lot if not for them, I wouldn't know what I would have done.

I was now working as a manager in a bank. There was not a day when I didn't think of my soulmates. I often wondered what if they were here with me, how would they be, if they would love me the way I love them. I know I haven't met them I will never be able to, but I know the love I hold for my seven mates will never disappear.

Whenever I looked at the grey butterflies in my hand I couldn't help but feel sad. It felt like the grey colour was mocking reminding me of what I could never have.

I couldn't help but feel envious of the people around me who were happy with their soulmates. They looked so comfortable and safe with each other and had a special connection between them. I couldn't help but long for that connection.

A strong cold breeze broke my train of thought. I looked up to see children playing in the park and noticed a little girl sitting on a bench.

There was a sad pout on her face her little hand was holding two dandelions. She suddenly looked toward the dandelion and bring one of them near her mouth.

I was looking at her curiously. She closes her eyes and blows the seed of the dandelion in one blow. She opens her eyes and looks toward her left where an ice cream truck was standing. Some children were standing with their parents to buy ice cream.

Just by seeing her face, I know she probably wished for ice cream. I smile a little after seeing this and got up from where I was sitting on the bench and went toward her.

I stood in front of her making her look at me with curiosity. I bent a little and asked, "Why are you sad little girl, what happened?"

She pouted again and pointed toward a small pond in the lake, "I had some money for the ice cream, but it accidentally fell in the water I couldn't get it back."

"Aww that is sad ", "How about I buy you an ice cream," I say to the girl. Her eyes lit up for a moment but soon became sad.

"What happened," I say looking at her and trying to figure out what happened to her. "Nothing, It is just that I don't have anything to give you in exchange and I can't take something for free it will make me feel sad."

"Who said you don't have anything to give me."

"What do I have?" she said tilting her head to the side in confusion.

"You can give me company for some time I was feeling a little lonely. How about that"

"That is a good idea unnie. Thank you so much" she says with an excited tone and a huge smile on her face.

I extended my hand in her direction for her to hold. She slips her little hand into my hands and jumped down from the bench from excitement.

"What ice cream do you want." "Can I please have strawberry ice cream with rainbow sprinkles on top," she says politely. "Of course whatever you want".

We reached the ice- cream truck and were welcomed by the man. "What can I get for you miss?" He says giving us a small smile. "Can I get a strawberry ice cream with sprinkles on top and a chocolate ice cream with marshmallows on top?"

"Sure that will be 15." I reach toward my purse and take out the money and hand it to him. "Please wait a minute I will be back with your ice cream."

After a while, the man comes back with our ice cream I take it from him and bow a little he bows back. We go back to the bench and I hand the girl her ice cream. She looked at the sweet treat with big eyes and began to eat it. "Thank you so much, unnie." "You're welcome, can you tell me your name," I say realizing that I forgot to ask her name.

"My name is Rhian, what is your name sister." "My name is Y/N, but what are you doing here alone Rhian." "I came to my mother's shop with her, but got bored, so she told me to go buy myself some ice cream her shop is close to the park."

I gave a nod to her, I finished eating my ice cream and looked at Rhian's hand she was still holding the dandelion in her palm but didn't say anything to her.

She soon finished her ice cream, but there was some cream on the end of her mouth I took my purse and take out some wipes from it, I extended the wipe toward her"Here wipe your hand and mouth or your clothes will get dirty."

She takes the wipe from my hand and cleans the ice cream on her hands and mouth, once she was done she gets up and goes toward a trash can to throw the used wipe. Furthermore, she returns to the bench and sits again.

"Thank you unnie for the ice cream but what did you come to the park for?"

" I just had some things in my mind and wanted to clear my mind."

"Oh, what things unnie?"

"Nothing just grown-up things."

She nods her head and looks toward the roses' that were planted in front of us. All of them were gorgeous a few butterflies were flying above them. They reminded me of my soul mark, my hand instinctive went toward my other arms and I gently rubbed my hand on the marks that were covered by my sleeves.

I felt my mood suddenly drop the thought of my soulmate started flooding my mind Once again.

Amethyst(BTSxreader)Where stories live. Discover now