Chapter 5

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There was a strong smell of flowers surrounding me. The light was slowly engulfing all of my surroundings, it was getting harder for me to see anything.

I bring both of my hands to cover my eyes to protect them from the irritating bright light.

"Wishes do come true, unnie. But there is always a price to pay." I heard a familiar voice say but wasn't able to remember who's the voice it is.

The whole shop was engulfed by the white light I closed my eyes feeling a bit lightheaded.

I woke up from my deep slumber with sunlight hitting my eyes. Squinting my eyes I look at the window to see that it was morning already.

I lift my head from the table and tried to recall what happened last night.

The incident of last night hit me like a truck, the bright and then the voice. My head was starting to hurt.

"Did I pass out because of the light, and whose voice did I hear before losing my consciousness?"

Getting up from the chair, I looked down at where the book had fallen last night solely find it missing.

"Where did it go, did the owner put it back?" I moved toward the shelf that I picked the book from to not find it there.

I started searching around the bookstore hoping to see the book or the owner.

There was no voice in the whole shop other than some voices from the outside and the sound of a clock ticking.

"Was that just a dream? No, it felt too real to be a dream. I can't even find the owner anywhere."

I was standing near the door of the shop and looked up at the wall to see the clock displaying 7:50 am.

"I need to figure out the way to my house now, maybe I can ask someone for help."

I decided to go outside the shop. With my purse held tightly in my grip, I pushed the door open and went outside the shop.

My eyes went wide seeing my surrounding the whole place was different from last night.

Many shops and houses were around me, it looked lively now compared to the gloomy and unnerving atmosphere yesterday.

"I swear none of the shops was here yesterday" my eyes were looking here and there in a panic. My headache getting worse.

I turned back toward the shop with shaky legs only to find it gone. "T- the shop where did it go" I was starting to feel lightheaded, my head felt like it was going to burst anytime from the pain.

I felt myself losing my balance and falling, but the pain of hitting the ground never came. Feeling a firm grip around my waist stopping me from crashing on the pavement.

I looked up to see a man holding my waist. "Are you alright?" I heard the man holding me ask.

The worried voice of the man was the last thing I heard before I found myself losing consciousness again.

The man gently picks you up and takes you inside a coffee shop.

"Oh, you are here. What happened" Another man asks as he sees his boss holding a fainted person in his arms.

He quickly goes to him and helps him put you down on a couch.

"She fainted outside, I decided to bring her in. Can you bring me some water Yeonjun?"

Yeonjun nods and goes to get the water for him.

The man was looking at you with worried eyes he felt some connection with you. The type of connection he only ever felt with his soulmate.

He didn't realize when he extends his right hand to touch your cheeks. When his finger touched your skin a shock went down his body. The familiar shock he felt 6 times before.

He hastily pulls up the shelve of the jacket he was wearing. His mind went blank seeing his last soul mark turn purple.

The butterfly that was once grey was now a beautiful amethyst colour. He couldn't believe his eye.

Yeonjun came back with a glass of water in his hand finding his boss standing with a shocked expression on his face. He gently touches his shoulder to pull him out of his thoughts.

The man looked at him and takes the glass of water from him.

He took some water and sprinkle it on your face.

I squinted my eyes feeling something wet on my face. I gently open my eyes my head feeling heavy.

I saw a man looking at me with relief on his face with another man standing on his right.

I recalled what happened a few moments ago and recognized the first man. He must have brought me here. I looked around my surrounding while trying to sit up.

"Let me help you" the man who saved me from falling say as he helped me sit.

"Thank you," I say with a hoarse voice.

"Here drink some water," the other man said handing me a glass of water.

Taking the glass with shaky hands I gulped the water down quickly. My throat feeling a bit better after drink water.

"Thank you so much for helping me, Can I know who you are and where I am?" I asked the man that saved me.

I was getting a stranger feeling from the man but it felt safe around him. The feeling was really calming, it made me confused because the feeling was really strange. I have never felt like this around anyone.

So getting this feeling from a stranger made me really confused.

To be continued...

Who do you think it is?  Tell me in the comments. Have a good day/night.

Bye bye 💜

Amethyst(BTSxreader)Where stories live. Discover now