The Iron Rose Queen

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'Can you read me a story brother?' Daenerys Targaryen asked her brother Viserys who smiled down at her

'What do you know of the Iron Rose Queen?' he asks

'Not much, she was a mighty Queen from House Hightower and who was married to Viserys the Peaceful. Mother to King Aegon II, Aemond the One-Eye, Helaena the Dreamer and Daena Visenya reborn'

'Yes, but she was so much more'


'She was the only one who could tame the wild, Rouge Prince. She rode Battlestar, a wild dragon larger then even Balerion.'

'But she was not a dragon' Daenerys says confused

'No, she was, not. But her grandmother was'

'Tell me' Daenerys begs

'Very well... On the-' Viserys the beggar King begins

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