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Taehyung raised one perfectly sculpted eyebrow, when jimin kept staring at him wordlessly , running his eyes over taehyung's face like he was seeing him for the first time.

To be frank, it felt like this was the first time taehyung caught jimin's attention.

Like truly captured him.

Twelve years to being friends and jimin felt like he was deprived of taehyung's beauty for this long.

Was his best friend always this handsome?

It was only now jimin was taking note of the way taehyung changed.

The taller grew up from the grumpy kid with full cheeks who annoyed him endlessly, to a man with sharp jawline and captivating eyes ( the first thing jimin noticed when taehyung returned from states was the deflated cheekies which he missed greatly but as taehyung's stay in Seoul extended jimin with glee realised that the bread cheeks were once again making a grand appearance, and oh boy did  that look suited to taehyung - never in his life had jimin wanted to kiss those cheeks badly).

Smooth black strands laid graciously on his forehead, hiding those mesmerizing eyes that once easy to read was now gazing back at him with an unreadable expression.

When did taehyung learn to hide his true emotions?

His eyes roamed lower over the slope of taehyung's straight nose  down to the curve of petal pink lips, glossy and soft, the prominent mole on taehyung's lower lip makes them look more kissable.


He can't believe that he once kissed those lips (it was barely one, more like a peck, but jimin was a parched man) and he can't remember much of what happened that day, because taehyung was drunk and he was tipsy just from one bottle of soju and taehyung had kissed him suddenly when their faces were close to each other (the only thing his brain never managed to forget was the look of yearning in taehyung's eyes before panicking and pushing taehyung away with a hand on his chest).

And they never talked about it ( it's so them)

But with the way taehyung's lips shined in the dim setting of the room, looking impossibly sweet and plump, jimin would really, really like to have a taste.

Taehyung was observing the way jimin was eyeing his lips with an  intense stare which made him nervous and out of habit he licked his lips, a breath catching in his throat when jimin's eyes followed the movement.

The stare from the smaller was intensifying with seconds, so feeling like it was too much, taehyung snapped his fingers in front of jimin to bring him back from his dream land. The smaller  got startled but luckily pulled himself out of his head only to focus his eyes back on taehyung's face, again too lost for words and only staring, this time without even blinking.

Taehyung's eyebrows bunched up to his hairline, when jimin muttered something to himself.

'I'm sorry, what?' taehyung asked wanting to know what was going on in the others head.

Jimin took a deep breath, eyes closing to flutter open next, vulnerable with the way he was laying his heart out in the open right now and blurted out a 'Can I kiss you?', his eyes straying to the floor and cheeks flushing with a familiar red taehyung always wished to see on jimin.

The younger choked on thin air, mouth drying with such a casual demand, spluttering out a 'Wh-What?', eyes widening with surprise.

Swallowing the dryness in his throat and praying to God so that he won't lose his voice, taehyung asked, 'Jimin ah, what are you even asking'?

He didn't say no.

Jimin remained staring at the floor, willing himself to sound nonchalant, so with a shrug replied' I just felt like it'.

Honest to god, taehyung knows his heart is going to beat its way out of his chest if jimin is going to say such silly things to his face.

His heart was a traitor, betrayed him every single time jimin was in his eyesight, the stupid thing ratted him out when he saw jimin for the first time after he returned, looking beautiful in just a faded grey shirt old with use and black sweatpants (five years away and still his heart thumped like the first time he fell for jimin - his good for nothing heart).

How can jimin just ask for a kiss from taehyung who was trying to heal from a broken heart? A heart that welcomed the pain because it only ever belonged to jimin?

Taehyung only stared back at jimin, mouth opening and closing, like he wanted to say something, something mean so that he could hurt jimin, say that taehyung had stopped seeing jimin as his platonic friend a long time ago, that his heart was still aching badly like it has been doing for all the years they stayed apart.

While taehyung kept looking at jimin with a stunned expression, jimin raised his head to look at him with a questioning face.

' So?' he began prompting taehyung to reply to him.

'I - are you really serious? Do you think this is a jok- ' taehyung couldn't complete his protests because he got cut off with a pair of lips on his, sticky with dried up beverage but oh so warm and thick.

Jimin got tired of waiting for a proper reply, all he asked was for a kiss and was that so hard for taehyung to give?

(Before drinking his ass off in the pub down the street, jimin promised himself he would never act out on impulse and do something stupid, that he would not lose his shit in front of taehyung but what was he doing asking for a kiss and then kiss without proper consent?)

Taehyung could only stare at jimin, who was kissing him with his eyes closed, traces of glitter clinging to his pretty lashes, and in that moment Taehyung didn't know what to do.

His resolve was slipping away way faster than he thought it would.

He tried to get rid of his feelings for jimin, then why is his body fighting him and urging him to take jimin into his arms?

He'd been waiting for this moment for the past five years, had imagined kissing jimin with all his might, in all possible scenarios his mind made up, and this, the feel of his full lips against his was way more better than how he felt when he kissed jimin in his dreams.

Because this was real, the warm hands that ran smoothly through his hair were real.

When jimin swiped his tongue along the seam of his lower lip, small hands on his head pushing him to lean down, taehyung's self control flew out of the window.

Fuck his non existent self control, his intentions were never subtle in any way(the lovesick expression and plenty of wet dreams he had about jimin can second this) .

He grabbed Jimin by his waist pulling their bodies closer and deepened the kiss, responding back with an intensity that would embarrass him if it was someone else.

(But this was jimin and taehyung was so in love, so screw him for seeming desperate).

Jimin whined low in his throat when he sucked his lower lip into his mouth, asking permission for entry.

Jimin complied immediately letting out a satisfied hum when their tongues met for the first time.

Their tongues danced together, licking and sucking, not breaking apart to take a breath, the trace of liquor from jimin's lips exciting and sweet.

Soju never tasted this good and addictive.

Or taehyung just liked to kiss jimin.


Nah ah, still not over, there's more to come.

Sorry for stopping here and for the late update.

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