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Before taehyung could say anything more, Jimin held his finger on his lip to shush him.

The taller complied, staring back at him with a questioning glare that somehow made jimin sensible of the situation he got himself into.

What have he done?

Taehyung is his best friend, the person whom he promised to stick together no matter how worse the outcome turned out to be. The one who welcomed him with open arms when the weight on his shoulder overwhelmed him, when everything felt too suffocating.

Taehyung with his caring nature tended to his every tears, had held him more times than he can count, prioritised him over everyone.

So the realisation that taehyung meant more to him than just as his best friend didn't strike a chord in him.

For jimin, taehyung is a sweet dream, one that he wakes up into but inevitably parts ways with.

The last time it happened he had broken down in tears in the middle of the airport, (always) late to catch up with taehyung, to give him a reason to stay.

'Taehyung ah, i-' he swallowed dryly, adams apple bobbing with the movement, eyes lowering to taehyung's chest, focussing on his half opened shirt, an aftermath of his drunken mistake.

'I heard you are leaving, heard you are go- going back, so i thought, I thought this would be my only chance before you go away' he said, sound wavering and eyes refusing to meet taehyung's gaze.

(He've only heard this much from hoseok the sudden rise in the thrumming of his heart more louder than Jin drunkenly screaming in the background).

'Coward' his own voice taunted him in his head. 'You will never have him, he never wanted you more than just his friend'.

Jimin is not sure how long he has loved taehyung. He only fell more in love every single time he breathed next to the taller, taehyung's presence a constant he wanted in his life.

' Tae if these days are gonna be your last here then' closing his eyes tightly, a stray tear sliding down to his cheeks, jimin continued, 'Just for once. Please for this one night, let me have you tae. After this , let's pretend this never happened' he admitted, hands closing around taehyung's shirt to fist them, voice growing into a silent whisper at the end.

Jimin tears wetted his collarbone, the rational part of his brain, that always cared deeply for his best friend is screaming at taehyung to wipe the tears off jimin's face.

Jimin is the sole reason why taehyung left and came back after all these years, who within a span of 1826 days managed to break his heart and made him fall in love again.

Staring at the smaller in his lap, taehyung is finding it hard to believe that he once knew jimin like the back of his hand. In all the years they've known each other, taehyung was sure that his best friend never looked at him with anything that gave away the idea that he was interested in him.

His own feelings were all over the place then and by the time he sorted them out, he felt like there would never be a time where he can call jimin 'his'.

That time he kissed jimin, the alcohol in his body made him vulnerable, too deep in love to foolishly hope for a day where his feelings will be returned. That day under the neon lights that highlighted jimin's pretty features, taehyung for the first time decided to act out on his feelings.

But that was a terrible move. Jimin had not only pushed him away panicked but ghosted him for the following days.

The flash of fear that taehyung swore he saw on jimin's face before he sidestepped and dodged his hands had taehyung question himself whether he was too selfish in asking for more from his best friend.

But was it really that difficult for jimin to love him back?

Does jimin even know that taehyung in his life never wanted anyone just as much as he wanted him?

' You are asking me to sleep with you, just for a night, Is that it?' taehyung asked the one in his lap, tipping jimin's head back with a hand on his chin to stare into those glassy eyes that still shined beautifully in the weak light of his room.

Taehyung wants jimin to deny.

Please deny.

With a small shake of his head jimin sent him to another heartache.

So jimin only wants him for a night.

Fuck his stupid heart.

Fine, if it's what jimin wants from him then so be it.

Gripping the strong thighs that straddled his hips, taehyung squeezed the flesh, hand then wandering to jimin's ass to grope the swell roughly his other hand grabbing the older by the hairs on his nape to bring their faces together.

'A one night stand you say' taehyung scoffed, eyes hardening when it landed on how jimin worried his lips between his teeth, 'I can give you that ' he replied eyes moving over the person he worshipped from his young age.

Let this night bury everything he ever felt for jimin.


Not much plot so please wait for the next update 😊😊

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