Chapter 3

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TW's: Cursing and mentions of alcohol abuse

I feel like the whole world went completely quiet just to hear the now ongoing conversation between my Mother and My Father.
Steve started to pace up and down, while Danny looked rather confused instead of Angry, like just a few moments ago. I swallowed hard when Steve's eyes snapped in my direction. Yupp I'm fucked. I started to think about making a run for it, but I figured by the Badges on both their belts that I wouldn't stand a chance if I'd run now, so I stayed where I was looking between my shoes and Steve every once in a while. He looks confused and stressed, yet a little angry at the same time. I mean it's understandable, he's getting confronted with the Child he never wanted like he got confronted with me 15 years ago. He didn't want me in his life, and now when I think about it a little longer... my mom never told me why.
Maybe because he said some cruel things about not wanting me, or how I shouldn't have happened, well yeah. I know that piece of the story, it's not like my mom hadn't let me know that a couple of times already when she got wasted again. 

I snapped out of my thoughts when Steve hung up the phone letting out a big sigh. "Okay well I know you never wanted me but you don't need to make it so obvious." I thought to myself while frowning a little. I waited for him to speak, but when he didn't. I look over at Danny. He doesn't know. He will know in a few seconds tho, yet he was the one speaking first just because I refused to. "So what's going on here?" the blonde said while turning his head towards My father, but I answer for him. "I am his daughter, yet it wasn't my choice to come here." 
I got a little confused when Danny started laughing then looking between me and my Father a few moments later Danny wasn't laughing anymore. He realized that I meant what I said. "She- You have a daughter!? Why didn't I know about that!" So my father didn't even tell his partner that he had a daughter hm? Nice to know.
"Yeah, I would've told you, If I'd known about her."
Wait. What. There's no way he didn't know. My mother always told me stories about how he left us. I know the stories, she wouldn't lie to me. 
But then it hit me. Hard, like a slap in the face. She is a liar, she always changed the stories excusing them with stuff like: "It was really traumatizing when he left me all alone, I might have forgotten a few things." or " I am your Mother I would never lie to my own child." 

I feel like I got run over by a bus, not just because I probably caught myself a concussion, but rather because I just realized that until now my whole life was a lie. All the bottled-up anger and frustration towards my Father, all the times I could've actually gone somewhere else when my mother's drinking got bad again. I could've moved here way sooner and she didn't bother telling me any of this. Better yet, until now my Father didn't know that I am existing. 
When I looked up at my Father I saw a lot of feelings, even tho he doesn't seem like the kinda person to usually show emotions like sadness or frustration. "Why didn't you talk to me this morning when we saw each other in the Cafe?" when I was about to answer his question the ambulance finally arrived on the side of the road. "Well, that took half a decade for them to arrive." I thought and before I could sit into the Ambulance I heard a voice behind me: "We'll drive after you." I nodded then sat down with a little help from the paramedic that sat across from me in the back. 

When we arrived at the Hospital the paramedic got done writing down my information and data, like my name, Lastname,  if I have allergies and all that kinda stuff. 
I was told to wait for a nurse because they wanted to transport me with a Wheelchair, and what can I say I'm an impatient person, but she arrived pretty fast which I was really happy about.

After the whole check-up thing, the doctor told me that I had a light concussion and well.. all I could do was nod because I was still pretty knocked down from the whole situation with my father.
Well, speak of the devil. He arrived with Danny just a few minutes after I got through the whole check-up. "Sorry that we took so long." I really didn't feel like talking, but that's exactly what Steve wants to do right now. Talk. Ask questions, and well guess what? I was right, like so many times in these kinda situations. So he started by asking the same question I couldn't answer just an hour ago. "Why didn't you talk to me this morning when we saw each other in the Cafe?" This time he asked more calmly, and I gave him a short yet honest answer: "wasn't eager to meet you." He locked eyes with me and asked another question: "Why did your mother send you here, all alone?" - "She never seemed to care for me in the first place." I kept eye contact with a blank impression on my face, which was mostly unintentional. The exhaustion was nearly eating me alive. I know I needed time to even process the whole thing. I mean, I lived a lie since the day I was born. Who wouldn't be mentally exhausted? 

After Steve asked another few questions Danny jumped into the conversation: "I think we should get your stuff from the hotel right?" I looked up, a confused impression on my face "Why?" - "Well don't you wanna move to your dad's?" I frowned "I wasn't necessarily planning on doing so, no." Danny looked pretty surprised by my dry answer. "Why wouldn't you move in with me Dawn?" Now Steve speaks up again sounding just a little sad by the harsh words that just got out of my mouth. "Well let's see... I don't know you, and you don't know me either, I literally just found out that I lived a life with a whole lot of anger, frustration, and loneliness for no reason whatsoever. Oh, and of course the cherry on top; I lived a lie since the day I was born so, no. I do not want to move in with you father." 
I definitely realized I was too harsh when Steve nor Danny said anything after my little outburst. "If you'd excuse me I'm off to my Hotelroom, you'll eventually find out where it is." I stood up and walked towards the exit, yet none of the two men were trying to stop me in any kinda way, they just stayed where they were just before I stood up. I turn around and add one last thing: "Give me some time, I need to process this whole thing." I didn't wanna come off as a complete asshole so I finished my sentence like this, normally when I talk to other people I don't bother trying to sound or seem nice, but whatever. I need a new start since I don't even know what things in my life hadn't been lies.

When I arrived in my Hotelroom I closed the door, locked it and let out a huge sigh. I can't believe my own mother would actually lie to me about all this stuff, I mean yeah, she wasn't the best mother, matter of fact she was a horrible one. I just want to forget her.
So I started doing exactly that the same day. I blocked her number and deleted it, deleted all the memories on Snapchat, and finally cleaned out my Gallery.  

So now I'm sitting here, on my Hotel bed staring at my phone with a blank impression on my face, still wanting to block out the fact that my mother wanted me to believe that my father abandoned me when in real life she did. She sends me to this Island not even giving me a chance to decide if I even want all this or not. 
"I think I've never been betrayed like that." I said while putting my hair in a bun and standing up to change into something more comfortable, but as soon as I laid down on the bed the exhaustion and tiredness caught up to me. I looked at my phone. 7.39 pm. "This really has been an emotional rollercoaster today." I mumbled to myself while putting down my phone and plugging it into the charger,
and with that I fell asleep once again, but this time with an unexpected nightmare...

Hello people! 3rd Chapter is out! I'm pretty motivated to write and I've got some nice Ideas about how to continue this book.  
I see yall in the 4th Chapter! :)) 

love- Jay 

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