Chapter 6

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TW's: Guns & Violence

I got this really uneasy feeling when Steve stepped into the house alone, I mean there might be someone in there still and the person is possibly armed... I shake my head and wait in the car while thinking about why someone would be interested in breaking into Steve's home. There could be many reasons why like; He's a cop, he might be known well or someone wants to harm him in any kinda way.

While I wait for a really long time what turns out to be only 10 minutes I listen to my surroundings and well, I don't hear anything at all, so I get out of the car and decide to at least go to the door and listen if anything is wrong, because until now I haven't even heard any signs of fights or anything, which I need to admit... makes me pretty nervous. 
I take a few deep breaths and take the courage to open the car door, close it and walk towards the front door, with every step I listen to every little sound around me, but the moment I turn my head to check if there is anything behind me, I hear something break inside the house, which is followed by a groan of pain and something hitting the ground. I turn my head straight to the door in front of me and when I was about to peek into the house I hear a bunch of things hitting the ground, groans, and some yelling. "How many people are in there?!" I thought to myself. 
I hear Steve yelling that this someone should stay on the ground, but another few seconds later I hear him yelp in pain whilst falling to the ground with a thud. "There must be a second person." I again thought to myself while taking the courage to peek into the house. I see 2 people seemingly passed on the floor one of them, Steve, and the third person standing with his back to me and the front door. 
My eyes widen as I saw the gun in the man's hand pointing at Steve, he was about to pull the trigger when I panic about what to do. I can't let Steve die like that, he is practically the only person that I have, even tho I don't know much about him. I let my instinctive thoughts win and grab the first object I see, which in my case was a lamp on the little table next to the sofa, I kick the door open all the way and swing the lamp over the man's head, he falls and cries in pain while losing the gun that now lays right in front of me, I pick it up and point it at the now shocked man. I realize how heavy that gun is, but keep it pointed at the man. He tries to talk me into giving him the gun back but I decline his dumb offer.  "What do you want from that man?" I say nodding at Steve, who is still laying on the floor knocked out. "You wouldn't understand kiddo. He stole something from us, and we intended to get it back." I frown at the man that starts to sweat. He is lying. "Yeah? Why did you wanna shoot him then? He already was passed out." I point out the obvious fact that there was no reason to shoot Steve in his condition. "As I said, kiddo. You wouldn't understand." I sigh, then roll my eyes at his dumb reply, but when I hear someone waking up I get nervous once again. I look at Steve and the other passed-out guy, and to my misfortune, the other guy wakes up first. "Oh damnit." I mumble, then take another step back to keep both of them in sight. "Don't move. I dare you." I warningly say while looking at the guy waking up. "You're not gonna shoot, you know it yourself." - "Well, what I know is that you don't know what I can do, so if I were you I'd be quiet real quick." I reply with a serious impression on my face, then turn to the guy that just woke up. "Get next to your lil friend here and sit." Moments after I ordered him to sit next to his accomplice he stood up and started walking. 
"Slowly sit down." I tell the guy now standing about 4 feet in front of me. I panic a little as he walks toward me instead of sitting down. "You better give me that weapon now." I point my gun at the guy that keeps walking in my direction while the other one is standing up behind him. "Fuck no." I take a deep breath because I know what is going to happen next somehow. 

The guy launched at me intending to grab the gun out of my hand but I step back and punch him with the gun instead, which lead to him stumbling back into his accomplice. "Just wake up already you dumbass!" I think to myself while preparing for another attack, which followed right after I ended my thought. The guy once again launched at me in which I hit him even harder when he fell down I saw this huge gash I created on his head. 
Not long after he fell down unconscious the second guy charged at me with visible anger in his eyes. I didn't know where to go I jumped over the unconscious intruder towards the kitchen, but sadly, I didn't get far with my Idea because the other guy threw something hard at me, hitting my head badly. As I fell I dropped the gun, which was picked up by the angry Intruder seconds after I fell. "How the tables turn, hm?" I glare at the guy that actually thought he was being funny. I raise one of my eyebrows and reply; "Yea, a really funny guy you are." I raise an eyebrow when I see a silhouette appearing right behind the guy that is now pointing his gun at me. 
"Well, you are right... the tables did turn." I say after I finally recognized the silhouette standing now directly behind the Intruder. "You might as well turn around now, dumbass." 
He did, and well, I guess I can say that I've never seen a guy that got his ass kicked that bad.  

After Steve tied both the guys up, he called HPD and Danny, and not long after Danny arrived earlier than HPD. 
"Are you alright Stev-" I walked into the living room with me and Steve sitting on the couch. 
He kept standing in front of the couch looking at us. "Yeah, we are indeed fine. Noones hurt." 
Steve answered Danny's question wanting to seem quite calm, which he definitely isn't. I'm not telling him tho. 
"I guess I'll get my stuff outta the car now, I'm tired." I say, intending on putting some ease in the whole situation. Steve nods and I walk out to the car, grab my luggage, and as I start walking towards the house again I hear HPD arriving. I keep walking and soon enter the House again. 
"HPD's here." I simply say, then putting my luggage next to the little table in the living room. 
As Steve stands up and waits for the Policemen to approach the house I sit down next to Danny. 

"So, you actually decided to move in with Steve." I turn to Danny and nod, still a lil shocked by the whole Intruder thing. "Yeah, I've already been welcomed, or so I suppose." I say sarcastically, Danny chuckled a little and I smile a tiny bit in response. "I like your sarcasm kiddo." I look at him and reply: "Yeah, I get that a lot. I have a question tho." Now he's the one looking at me responding "Sure, go ahead."  - "How the hell did you arrive earlier than HPD?" He nods a little then answers my question, getting a little more serious. "Your Dad is Ohana. We are a big family, and when Steve called me I didn't waste a second getting into my car and driving here as fast as possible." I frown confused. Ohana, like Family. They are actually there for each other. 
"That's actually... sweet." We kept talking for a little while Steve talked to HPD and handed them the two Intruders. 

"Well," I start, then looking at the clock. 1:22 am. "I guess I'll go to bed now- wait. where am I even sleeping at now?" I look at Steve who is closing the door after saying goodbye to the Policemen. "I've got a spare bedroom, that's going to be your new room. I'll show you." I nod in response, standing up, waving goodbye to Danny, and grabbing my luggage I follow Steve upstairs, into the very last room in the hallway. "Here, that is your room now, Dawn." He says opening the door and holding it open for me to walk in. It's a pretty room, the perfect size, and super cozy. It looks like he already made it my room. There is a new-looking bed, a bookshelf with a few books, a nice Table next to my Bed with a few notebooks, and mini shelves with markers, different pens in them, and a cute little whiteboard with pens sticking on it.  
"Thanks a lot." - "You're welcome, I'll leave you be now. Goodnight." He says I return the 'Goodnight' and as he closes the door I suddenly feel extremely tired, more than a few minutes ago. I yawn, then pick out an oversized shirt and short pants, changed into them, and lay into bed.  

So I'm laying in my new bed, in my new room in the new House I'm now living in. I take a deep breath and turn to my side and after a few minutes, I fall asleep, exhausted and still a little shocked. 

Hello people! 
Happy New Year, I hope you had a good start into the new year! 
I've been taking a little break, sorry for not letting you know. I planned on not writing on Christmas because I was with my family, then I had the evil Virus and now school started a week ago, soo it has been a little stressful :D
That's okay tho. I try and keep up the writing for you guys. 
Have a  great day/ night or whatsoever :))

Love- Jay

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