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Vance's Pov:

We walked to my house, Bruce practically clinged to my arm the whole way, looking around worriedly. "Nothing is coming" I would tell him, but he still seemed scared.

When we reached my house he seemed to calm down a bit more. I opened the front door, noticing my dad's car wasn't here. Good. "welcome to my lovely home" I said opening the door for Bruce.

He thanked me and took off his shoes setting them down neatly. Saint

"Mom?" I called, as me and Bruce walked up the stairs to my room. "Yeah?" She called back, her voice coming from the kitchen. "Just making sure you we're home" I told her, beckoning Bruce to follow me upstairs. He did.

"Home sweet home" i said opening the door to my bedroom, Bruce looked around curiously. "Your room is so..." Bruce seemed to be looking for the right word. "Vancey"

"Vancey?" I repeated raising my eye brows, a smile covering his face. "Yeah, it looks like it would be your room" Bruce nodded. I eyed him. Was that supposed to be an insult.

"Yeah and what's your room look like" I snapped. "Brucey?"

Bruce shrugged. "I guess it does" he said, looking at the things on my desks. "If you count baseball theme" Bruce chuckled. "You're room is baseball themed?" I snorted, trying to not let the laugh escape, Bruce gave me a goofy look. "I haven't been aloud to change it since I was a baby" Bruce laughed. I smiled.

Bruce walked over near my closet door. "What's in here?" Bruce asked, reaching for the handles. I instantly slide Infront of him. Bruce jumped a little. "I'm a teenage boy who needs his privacy" I smiled grinting my teeth. Bruce gave me one of those serious dad looks.

"Vance do you have condoms in your closet?" Bruce asked.

"What?" I said.

"Do. You. Have. Condoms. In. Your. Closet." Bruce repeat. Keeping the serious dad look.

"Again I am a teenage boy" I said, cautiously backing up.

"Don't worry my mom bought me condoms last Christmas" Bruce laughed. "Teenage years, she told me" Bruce mocked her voice and I couldn't help but laugh.

--time skip

"Ohhh shit the homework" Bruce said sitting up from laying on the couch, he pulled out his binder from his bag. "Give me the answers vance Hopper" Bruce demanded.

"Don't use my full name Bruce Yamada" I snapped at him. Was he high or something?

"Okay vancey" Bruce evil smiled, looking up from  his binder. "I Will beat your ass" I warned Bruce"

"Make sure you look hot while doing it" Bruce said, laughing before completely covering his mouth. My jaw dropped. "My bad that slipped " Bruce said getting flustered. "I didn't know you joked like that brucey" I laughed. Does he like me?

Vance is catching on to Bruce 😱
Word count: 480

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