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Bruce's pov:

"It's time for me to head home now" I said smiling at Vance, I really really didn't want to leave. "Alright, you'll have to come over another time" Vance nodded, I pulled him into a hug that he gladly accepted. Was he getting used to me?

--time skip

As I came closer to my house I could see the red car parked outside my house. Oh great. I thought to myself. Ever since mom and dad had a huge divorce she's been hooking up with the same fucking jerk.

I quickly got inside, I was worried about my little sister, I always had a feeling that this guy was a creep and plus he was a fucking piece of shit.

When I opened the front door, the two we're cuddling on the couch, my sister was no where in sight. I could tell my mom and him we're drunk. "Hey ghost boy" he waved his beer bottle at me, mom laughed along with him. God I fucking hate him.

But I chose to ignore him, rushing up the stairs to my sister's room, her door was shut. And even though she would always get pissed at me for doing so I opened her door without knocking first.

When I opened the door I saw Annie sitting on her bed watching TV. "Hi Bruce?" She said pausing the TV. "How was your sleepover?" She asked, noticing the bag I had in my hand. "Good, are you okay?" I asked her looking around the room to see if anything was thrown or broken. "What do you mean?" She asked looking at me confused. I gestured down stairs and she made an "oh" noise in understanding. "He hasn't bothered me" she said, then she pointed over to her desk. "I brought up some snacks, drinks, and my pills for me to stay comfortably in my room" she smiled.
I nodded in approval.

"I also brought your secret stuff back up stairs" she smiled at me, I eyed her. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Y'know, your vape and all that" she shrugged, I walked over to her desk to see my two vapes sitting on her desk. Thanks. That was actually really helpful because I didn't need that bastard doing shit. "How do you know what this stuff is?" I asked her, waving it in the air. She looked at me like I was an idiot. "Because it's the most popular thing ever" she rolled her eyes, unpausing her show. "Your in third grade" I chuckled. "And watching my little pony?" I said, seeing her show.

"Don't bitch about my little pony" Annie said, dead eyeing me, I rolled my eyes taking a hit out of my vape and putting the other one in my pocket. "So who we're you with?" Annie asked suddenly, making me joke on the smoke. She burst out laughing while I collected myself, coughing. She smirked at me. "Who's the lucky one?" She asked. "Don't even start" I told her, she just laughed.

--time skip.

Me and Annie sat on her bed, watching the my little pony show. I hate the chips she had brought up while she sipped on some tea. "Rainbow dash is my favorite character" Annie declared. I was about to open my mouth to speak when loud foot steps stomped up the stairs, as there was loud talking. Me and Annie both jumped, she scurried to pause the TV and hide her snacks under her blankets while putting her drink on her shelf behind her plants.

I quickly got up closing her door, we both went dead silent before there was a knock on the door. I back up over to Annie, she grabbed onto my arms when his voice spoke from outside the door. "You kiddo's having fun in there?" He asked, his voice slurred and disgusting. Neither me or Annie said something. He knocked on the door again, before it carefully opened. Annie flinched behind me and I tried my best to appear as the tough older brother. I have to.

"What are you to brat's doing hiding in the corner?" He asked, once he had stepped in the room, he looked at us with ugly creepy eyes. Again we didn't speak. "Ignoring me you fucking brats?" He started to shout.

"No roy" Annie, spoke up. And I instantly wished she didn't. 

He glared over at me. "See" he chuckled. "At least your sister knows how to be a good girl" he smiled. I felt my blood boil as Annie's grip tightened on the back of my shirt.

"Don't say that to her" I whispered. He grinned at me. "What you don't like when other people tell you what a good girl she is" he laughed. "I said shut the fuck up!" I suddenly yelled. "Your a fucking creep! Get the hell you you fucking bitch!" I could hear Annie start sobbing from behind me as I watched his gaze harden.

If I knew what he was going to do I would have kept my mouth shut.

:( I know, I'm leaving you guys a cliff hanger. Spoiler it's going to be really TW  the next chapter.
Word count: 869

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