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Vance's pov:

I woke up to sun blaring in my eyes, I instantly flipped over, to tired to close the curtains. Why were the pillows so nice and soft. My eyes slowly drifted off to sleep before I snapped up right.

Looking down at Bruce peacefully resting on his back, no sign of him waking up anytime soon.
I felt my face heat up. Oh my god I was sleeping on Bruce Yamada.

Had I lost my mind? I was going insane.

My attention snapped back to Bruce with he grumbled and flipped onto his side. The wood flooring with just a carpet over it must be uncomfortable.

So for both our sanity I picked him up, careful not to wake him. I brought him to my room, setting him down on my bed covered in blankets that I did not need. I made sure to throw a blanket over him as he seemed to protest in his sleep.
I cracked my door and went back to the living room, hearing the TV in my mom's room play I sighed.

She had a 100% chance of seeing us. So instead of going to greet her good morning I stepped into the kitchen, taking out a pan. I cook when I'm stressed over things. So I guess I'll make breakfast today.

I flipped the egg which took a lot of work not to break but when I finally got it to flip I was very pleased. I made six yolky eggs, before popping some toast in the toaster and grabbing out the butter.

I heard my mom's door creak open and just seconds later she came into the kitchen while I was buttering toast. She didn't say anything to me. Please don't be mad.

"Where's Bruce?" She asked instead, turning on the coffee machine. "In my room sleeping" i said, finishing buttering the last piece of toast and taking to egg plate and the toast plate to the living room table. "You use protection?" Mom asked, grabbing I coffee mug. I felt my face heat up.

"Mom ew!" I said. "We didn't do anything like that" I told her, she nodded her head slowly. "Just making sure" she said, the coffee machine turning on. "Why don't you go wake him up" my mom said turning to look at me. "Before the breakfast gets cold"

I walked down the hallway to my room, even though it was a short distance I thought about mine and Bruce relationship. What are we to each other?

I shook Bruce's should lightly and he protested words I Couldn't understand. "Bruce i made breakfast" I told him when his eyes fluttered close again, he didn't open his eyes back up.
I rolled my eyes, sliding my hand behind his neck before tickling him.

His instant reaction was the flinch away and that seemed to wake him up. "Vance?" He asked, his voice husked with sleep. Cute.
"Come on I made breakfast" I told him and he sat on the edge of the bed. "Oh yum" Bruce smiled standing up to stretch.

Merry Christmas if you celebrate it or Happy Hanukkah! I hope you all had a wonderful day xoxo
Word count: 535

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