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Bruce's pov:

I was panicking again, but this time it wasn't about the grabber, or the area, or the people's eyes looking at me, it wasn't even that horrible dirty feeling that I could never wash off.

It was Vance Hopper. I was panicking because of Vance Hopper.

My heart was beating so fast when I got home, I felt really warm. Why? I didn't understand what was going on. "Ohhh, why did I say that" I whined, covering my face with my hands, leaning against my closed door. "No, no!" My heart beated faster. I hope he knows I didn't mean that.

I sat on my bed, taking deep breaths in and out, like Vance had told me. Before I even realized I was thinking about him. "Stop it!" I told myself, covering my face again, a knock sounded on my door. "Bruce are you alright sweetie?" My mom's voice said through the other side of the door.

I took a sharp breath in. "I'm fine mom" I said back. I could hear her footsteps hesitant to leave.

--time skip

I woke up, all my blankets thrown off, my alarm clock blaring. I sleepily opened my eyes, sitting up.

I looked in my mirror, seeing my horrible bed head, I walked up to my desk, staring into the mirror before fixing my hair. I noticed it was growing out a lot. I need a hair cut.

I put on a sweater from my closet and a pair of jeans before grabbing my bag and heading downstairs. "Bruce?" My mom called from the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen, seeing her cooking pancakes. "Have breakfast with me, I'll drive you to school" she smiled. I thought for a minute, but seeing the look on her face I decided against leaving now.

I set up the plates and glasses as my mom finished the pancakes, soon my little sister Annie came down the stairs, her hair was neatly braided and she dressed stylish for a 3d grader. "Mama it smells good" she mumbled rubbing her eyes. "Mama is making pancakes" I smiled to Annie, Annie's face light up as she came over to me.

"Bruce guess what I did at school" she said, grabbing her glass off of the table. "What?" I asked, setting down the forks, she checked her cup to make sure it wasn't dirty, even though I already did, before saying. "I was the only one that new how to use the baseball bat correctly" she smiled. Oh. I smiled back at her. "That's amazing Annie, I'm proud of you" I complemented.

"Thanks da-" she quickly corrected herself. "I mean Bruce" she said, before running to the kitchen with her cup. I frowned. I always knew she said that by accident but it made me upset. She won't ever have that father figure.

We all sat at the table, Annie neatly organized her napkin and fork's as well as her pancakes and where her glass of orange juice goes. I had tried my best to put her stuff in the spots she liked them but she needed to fix them anyways. "Annie did you take your pills today?" Mom asked, noticing her organizing. Annie shook her head and mom sighed. "Go take your pills with your orange juice" mom said pointing to the kitchen where Annie's pills would be sitting on the counter.

--time skip

I sat in the car, me and Annie vibing out to Britney spears. Annie violently head banged her head while singing to the lyrics, I laughed uncontrollably and I could see mom smile in the review mirror.

As we pulled up to my school me and Annie said out goodbyes, Annie gave me the tightest hug before I got out of the car and mom told me to be safe. I nodded waving goodbye to the both of them. "Bye bubba!" Annie called out the window. "Love you!"

I laughed as she waved her hand out the window before the car disappeared.

Now it was time to enter school. I didn't like school anymore, I didn't like the stares, what people say, I didn't like my teachers sympathy. It was all so annoying and tiring. But will this have to be the new normal?

I walked into school, instantly seeing Vance and his group of friends. I begged that he wouldn't say anything to me, and thankfully he just stared at me as I walked past, and so did his friends. And so many other people stared too. Great.

I opened my locker but it soon slammed in my face, making me jump, I turn around to see one of the boys that was with vance . "Uh hi?" I said, confused as he just stared at me. "What was it like?" The person asked. "Exuse me?" I looked at him confused, hugging my bookbag to my chest.

"What did the grabber do to you?" The guy snickered. My heart raced and my eyes widened. I glanced over to see Vance and his friends staring at me. Did Vance tell him to come over here? Did Vance tell them what happened yesterday? I was panicking again.

"I don't want to talk to you about that" I said, trying to make him back off, I started to leave but he grabbed my arm. "Come on, it couldn't have been that bad" the boy laughed. "Just leave me alone" I whispered. Feeling like I was going to cry.

The boys grip loosened and I pulled away from him, as I walked away I could hear him snicker. Did Vance tell him to say that stuff? I wondered stepping into the bathroom, I closed one of the stalls and sat down on the floor, hugging my knees.

My mind was spinning and my heart raced, I could feel the tears start to fall away, and I let them. I was tired of this.

But then I heard footsteps coming into the bathroom and I instantly sat on the toilet, bringing my legs up and holding my bags. I began to wipe my tears and trying not to sniffle.

"Bruce?" The voice echoed, I knew that voice to well. "Bruce are you in here?"

Vance Hopper.

Poor Bruce :( and Vance I swear to gosh if you sent your little goon over to Bruce I'ma beat you 😡
Word count: 1062

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