Chapter 3

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Chapter 4

"I'm talking about how you are to be like me, a vampire and if you don't get out of the sun that is about to come up in three hours then you won't survive," He said.

"You dirty bloodsucker, if I make it then you are going to wish you never met me." I said and felt the pain start to begin.

"Well it looks like your changing so I am just going to leave now." He said and ran off.

Uhh, the pain was killing me it was like fire all throughout my body. It was getting worse and worse so I just laid still to see if that did anything and it helped a little, then it hurt a lot more than before, "AAAHHH", I screamed.

"Is anybody there," Said a female voice.

"Get... Out... Of...Here," I said through the pain.

"Are you ok," the girl said.

"Get away."

"My name is Hayley and I am going to get you out of here and to my school," She said.

"Don't touch me I am in so much pain."

"Where does it hurt?"

"It... hurts...on...the...inside."

"You are going to come with me," She said.

"No..... Just leave me alone.... And get away.... far away."

"No I know what you are or are going to be because I am one,"

"Well can you hurry up because this shit hurts like hell?"

"Okay just try not to think about the pain."

"Okay I'll try," I said and faded into the darkness.

"No don't go to sleep wake up."


"Because once you sleep you can't wake up, that's why you need to see the nurse at our school."

"Our school?"

"Yes you are going to my school of vampires."

"Well okay but hurry."

"So I am going to like pick you up and I am going to run very fast so you might want to close your eyes and try not to fall asleep."

"It will be very hard," Is all I say.

"So on the count of three I want you to grab my neck,'



"Three" Then she picked me up and that started another round of pain.

"AAAAHHHHAAAAAAAHHH,"I screamed because of the pain.

"Hold on it will go away soon," She said.

"But it won't go away fast enough," I screamed through the pain.

"Calm down your nails are digging in my back."

"Well sorry I can't control my pain."

"You need to chill because you are burning hot and we need to get going."

"Okay but don't you like run slow."

"No we don't we have fast stamina, great sight, and even better hearing."

"Oh ok no need for an attitiude."

"Well I was just saying and we need to get going like now," She said while running.

"You bitch," I said after 5 minutes of running with her.

"I gave you a heads up."

" Yea but you should have waited for me to close my eyes."

"Girl just shutup and wait till I get you to the nurse."Hayley said, "but while you wait just relax."


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