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"Well, I saw her in the club and thought she was fine, I also loved the way she smelled, when I looked at her my canines came out immediately and I just craved to have her, I went outside to get some air but she walked out a little after me and started walking in a different direction before i could process what i was doing i was in front of her and just wanted a taste, one thing led to another and I bite her and i thought i took to much blood and changed her so yea........." He said

"I know why you did it but you will have to figure it out until then get out of my office and find something to do," Headmistress said.


"No buts now go and do what I told you," She said.

We all walked out of her office and just lounged around thinking of what she said and what it meant.

"This is hard, I can't even think of a way to even comprehend what she just said," Hayley said to us," I wonder if it has someting to do with..... unless..." Hayley trailed off.

"Unless what Hayley," I say trying to get her to tell me.

"Um I have to go so I'll see you later," She said then ran somewhere.

"Hm I wonder what just happened," I said amd turned around to look at 'him'.

"I don't know what she's on about unless......." he said and ran off just like Hayley.

"UNLEASS WHAT!!!" I yelled.

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