Chapter 4

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Well I want to start out by saying if you read this you must get pther people to read. And please vote and comment and tell me what you think.


"UUH where the hell am I," I asked.

"You my dear are in the nurses office," A voice said.

"Ohh ok then tell me why am I here," I said.

"Well look in the mirror," the voice said.

I looked in the mirror and the person looking back couldn't have been me. My hair used to be black now it has green highlights and it is longer it is now down to my back, my body strucuture definely has changed I new I was fit but damn I had an eight pack compared to my four pack I used to have and my eyes they are no longer grey they are lime green.

"So what happened to me to make me look this good," but then when I turned around it came back to me like a brick wall. The club, the guy, the fight, the girl.

"So I see that you have recovered," Hayley said. Hayley is a pretty girl and I am not gay(no offense if you are I even have a gay fiend) She is tall, black hair and a tatoo that goes from her neck to what looks like the small of her back.

"Well Hayley I am feeling better and thanks for helping me and I'm sorry for coming off as a bitch which I am," I said.

"Well I'm sorry for being an asshole to you and your welcome friend."

"Well where am I," I said finally taking a good look around the room was big and it smelled of medicine and had hospital beds in it so that means I am in the nurses office.

"You missy are in the nurses office." Hayley said.


"So now that you have completed the change we can tour the campus but you have to drink some blood so we will have to go to the feeding room."

"Ok so let's go,"I said. To me Hayley looks familiar but I can't place it.

"Well we need to head to the head mistress office," H ayley said while grabbing my hand.

"Wait I just noticed something I am a vampire," I said going back to the mirror and smiling my k-9 teeth had gotten sharper and longer.

"Well thank you captin obvious," Hayley said.

"Hey look there is some thing on your lip sounds like sarcasm," I said.

"Hahahaha you are so funny," she said.

"More sarcasm we should get you to a doctor before you over flow with sarcasm," I said.

"You know your are not funny right."

"You know your not white right," I said looking dead serious.

"you bitch," She said laughing.

"I know but you love me."I said.

"Yea and I don't know why." She mumbled.

"Cuz I am special," I said.

"Yea real special," She said making the retarded sign(no offense to any of the people that are.)

"You hoenugget,"I said laughing.

"Ok, says the one who said I'm going to burn in the sun," She said looking at me like"you are stupid".

"Well I didn't know the dude that told me changed said I would die since I was a new born,"I said.

"Oh, I forgot you do die if you haven't completed the change before the sun comes out."

"Now who is the dumb one," i mumbled.

"I heard that," She said.

"You were supposed to stupid," I said.

"You are evil."

"Yea cuz evil spelled backwards is live so I am evil." I said smartly.

"What am I going to do with you."

"I know you can.... take me to (pause for dramatic affect) the head mistresses office," I said.

"Ok let's go." She said, "So what s your full name?"

"I don't know," I said then is came to me " Alicia Blackwell."

She gasped.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing just had a flashback," She said and I knew she was lying."Well here is the head mistresses office."

"So let's go in instead of standing in the middle of the hallway."

"Ok but let me go in first so I can tell her what happened."

"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in," I heard someone say.

"Hello head mistress Gabreilla, I am here to tell you of our knew student."

"Well come on in," She said.

"So I would like to tell you that I found Amanda here in an alley behind a club in the third stage of the transformation where she could of died if I didn't find her." Hayley said.

"So tell me what happened Alicia is it." Gabreilla said.





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I want to dedicate this to my fans.



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