Chapter 6

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After my feed I went walking around trying to get a feel of the campus by myself.

"where have you been I've been looking for all over the place" says Hayley

"I was just looking around, can ya blame me" I said looking at her with a you crazy look

"give me a warning next time so I can be with you so you can have help," she said looking generally concerned.

"Well I walked around not needing help, I just want to get used to the campus for when you are not here," I said.

"Ok I understand , but please tell me where you are though," She said.

"Ok." Is all I said.

"So after your feed what did you do'" She asked.

"Well I just walked around looking at all the buildings and I people watched a little bit," I said.

"That's interesting, so what do you want to do now," She said.

"It doesn't matt- " I was saying until I saw a familiar pair of lime green eyes. He didn't see me but I saw him.

I got up and ran towards him full speed and tackled him to the ground. I started punching him and kicking him until I got pulled off of him.

"What the hell is your problem new chick," the guy said.

"You don't remember me your little snack," I yelled at him breaking free of the person that had me and round house kicked him in the face. " Do you remember me now."

"Oh shit," He said.

"Yea, oh shit is right you dumb fuck, what the hell is your fucking problem," I said to him.

"I was out of control that day I-" He tried saying until I cut him off.

"No shit you were out of fucking control," I yelled.

"Shut the fuck up and let me finish, I'm sorry, you were just so tempting and looked good so I had to have a taste and then you put up a fight, which was feisty might I add, but I had to defend myself just like you," He said.

"What the fuck, you attacked me first and now you say it was due to self defense, what a bunch of bullshit, you pig faced, cock sucking, fuck faced, whore." I yelled.

"Will someone tell m e what the hell is going on," Hayley said.

"Well this dumb fucker is the one who changed me, this skunk faced hoe." I said.

"Wow , I wouldn't of ever thought that it would of been..........


OK so guys I am back  I'll be updating when I can. Like i am so sorry for being gone for nearly a year. So this is my coming back chapter. Hope you enjoyed.

And one special person to thank is Paraholic69 cuz  she helped me get back on my creative way. Hahaha love you hun and thanks for the inspiration.



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