Chapter 21

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Rayan Roy. One of the biggest detective in town. Total cases 45 but solved only 43 in his last case the criminal attempted suicide before they reached. And number 45 going on.

He was partnered with the other police officer to find Aliester and catch his wrong deeds red handed.


Aliester a known criminal but cannot be arrested until proven guilty. Had done some horrible works. Kidnapping kids and adults and selling them. Capturing people and make them work for him.

He is a criminal who is walking openly in the society.


But who is this other man who is trying to get a hold of Aliester?


Mallika as usual was watering the plants. She was thinking that it might be her time to show some progress in her health. Else his neighbor doc was all ready to hand her to the mental hospital.

She leaves a deep sigh.

She turns off the tap as water stops flowing. She gets up and turns around when everything suddenly went black.

She struggles as two big hand wrapped her neck and one holding her head another pair of hand legs and then she realized that her feets are not in the ground nd she is being carried away by this two unknown people. She kept on struggling, throwing fists nd kicks but nothing helped. She already knew that she is dragged in a car, so she stops moving and tried to relax.

"I need to concentrate..I'm a journalist i am aware of every streets in the town..if i can make a map in my mind. I can release myself later and run away" she thinks to herself.

She could feel the car moving and  she keeps on making a route in her mind.


"Di...di...Mallika di.." Kartikey roams around the house looking for Mallika. He searched the rooms the garden and the store room but he couldn't find a sign of her. So he quickly takes out his phone and opens the security cam.

He installed cameras after Mallika's recovery so that if something happens he will be aware of it. He skips back to few hours ago and tried to find. It took him long when he finally saw how this two suspicious men dragged Mallika on the car.

Kartikey panics, he looks back at the footage and notes the car number. He then calls Basant for help.


"He is in coma right now...but i guess tomorrow's operation can help him to get up." Basant says to Sumedh.

He and Sumedh were sitting in the cafeteria together talking about the operations and patient.

"Hmm..but it's gonna take him two more days to wake up if the operation is successful" Sumedh answers.

"Dr.Av -" Basant stops as he looks out for his phone which was vibrating. The screen showed Kartikey's contact he quickly responds it,

"Yes katty.."



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