Black Forest [Prime!Sonic]

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Plot: you and Sonic are traveling through shatterspaces and end up in one with none of your friends in their wacky dimensional forms are in sight, so this becomes a mission to find a way out.




You looked around.

The sky

The clouds were black.

The soil was black.

The trees were black.

The leaves were black.

Everything was black! Like it was a one-color only world.

You couldn't see 5 feet in front of you, there was no natural light so you just had to trust your senses to navigate through the darkness.

"Sonic?! You there?!" You called out.

"Over here!" He hollered. His voice sounded only a few feet away, you went towards the sound of his voice.

You waved your hands around, you're slightly better at seeing in the dark than Sonic, but that doesn't mean you had cat like abilities.

When you felt the quills of the blue hedgehog, you forced him to spin around.

"Woah! Y/N?! That you?!" He waved his hands around.

Eventually they found their way onto your face...and rather hardly to admit. It's like he was trying to slap you.

You grabbed ahold of both his hands and held them. "Yes, I'm here" You replied with relief.

With one hand interlocked with Sonic's, you looked around. "What the heck is this place?" You wondered aloud.

Sonic just made a 'I dunno' sound and copied your actions.

"Is this even a shatterspace?" You wondered aloud again.

"Y/N, not to sound rude, but I know just about as much as you do! Which is NOTHING! Emphasis on NOTHING" He responded loudly.

You shushed him, "This place might seem empty but we don't know what creatures could be watching us! I don't think it would be very wise to shout" You spoke quietly to emphasize your point on silence.

He just rolled his eyes-- well, you didn't truly know if he did or did not but you could sense the arrogance in his aura.

"Whatever, should we try to find this shatterspace version of our friends?" He inquired. You shrugged, unsure if they even existed here.

"Dude, I'm gonna be honest, I don't think they exist in this shatterspace" You briefly let go of Sonic's hand to stretch.

"So, how do we even get out of here?" Sonic asked again. You were exasperated by his idiocy.

"Sonic, not to sound rude, but I know just about as much as you do! Which is NOTHING! Emphasis on NOTHING" You mocked his voice.

"Hey, I do not sound like that" He deadpanned. You rolled your eyes and carefully stepped forward, lightly grazing the tip of your shoe over the black soil.

"I wonder if we can make a fire of any type so that we can see where we're going" You attempted to let go of Sonic's hand but his grip tightened.

"Wait! What if...what if we get separated trying to find something to ignite wood?!" He anxiously awaited your answer.

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