•Chapter 3~ Taken

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Natalia's POV

March 2003

Me and Ally have been dating for well for- well since my birthday. It was the best birthday gift I could ever ask for.

It is Allison's birthday in a week so I'm planing something nice to do for her. I've already wrote a list on what I want to do for her birthday.
First I'm going to run her a nice hot bath with lots of candles
Then I'm going to wait until she gets out, give her a massage
Then we're going to watch movies on my computer together
Then I'm ordering Chinese because we cant really go to a restaurant.

Right now Ally is shopping for groceries and more clothes. We've brought wigs to wear so people don't recognise us, and we've changed our names. My name now is Natalie Rushman. Allison is now named Alice Perry. She hates that name, I do to, to be fair, but if it keeps us from getting caught then I'm all in for it.

I hear the front door open and Allison comes in.

"Hey baby" She says kissing my cheek

"Hey honey, you ok"

"Yeah. Are you?"

"Yeah" I say

"I've figured out what I want to do for your birthday" i say.

"Ohhh. Spill the tea" she says

"Oh it's a surprise darling" i say in a seductive tone.

I go to kiss her but there's a knock at the door.

"Uhhh. Pussy blocker" she grumbled

I laugh at her an open the door.

"Hey how can-"

"Have you seen these two women?" A police officer says in a thick French accent.

"Uhh I'm afraid I haven't. Sorry"

"It's ok ma'm. Is there anyone else in your apartment?" The officer asks.

"Uhh yeah. My girlfriend." I say

"Y- your what now?" He asks in a disgusted voice.

Allison must of seen me tense up because she came behind me and wrapped her arm around my waist.

"Is everything ok officer?" She asks the officer in a fierce scary voice.

The officer looks at Ally with wide eyes and basically eye fucks her.

"Yes. Have you seen these two women anywhere?" He asks in a flirtatious manner.

"No. I haven't." She states firmly

"Is this your girlfriend?" He's aka looking at Allison.

"Yes. Why officer?" I ask

"Because she looks hella straight to me. I bet I could make her straight." He states.

"That's enough! This is our apartment, this is my girlfriend, no one, and I mean NO ONE can make me straight, and not love her. Now I think this is very inappropriate to ask on duty officer. Wouldn't you say so to?" She says confidently and fiercely. Even I was a bit scared of her tone.

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