Chapter 10: Little things

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Jessica's POV

"YAH! How long are you going to stay there? Ohmygod, I can't believe this. So this is that something important you're going to do?" I shouted to Yuri who's in the cubicle.

Few minutes later..

"Sorry. I really need to pee." I heard Yuri say while smiling sheepishly.

"And is it really necessary for you to pull me here? I could've just waited outside. Aish, seriously."

"Sowwwyy, Shika-baby~"

I felt my cheeks burning up after she said that. So I immediately walked fast leaving her behind.

I didn't know she's already near me until she pulled my wrist, making me stop.

"Watch where you're walking."

"..." I ignored her statement to avoid any conversation with this stupid girl beside me.

"Yah, can you stop blushing? It's disturbing me, hahaha."

Aish, seriously.. =_=

I walked faster again.

"Don't you dare run away from me." Once again she pulled my wrist and whispered to my ear.

"What the heck, Kwon? What's your problem?" I said as I glared at her.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop okay! I was just teasing you."

"Psh, whatever. I want to go home now."

"But.. I said I'm going to treat you guys ice cream right?" She said with a little frown.

Aish, why can't I resist her?

"Fine, just make it fast."

Tiffany's POV

Back at the car..

Should I go after her? Should I apologize?

Aish, why do I keep hurting people? Why am I such a coward?

"Sorry, Tae.." I softly mumbled.

"Tiffany? Are you okay?"

"OMO! YAH!" I didn't realized they're back.

"Why are you talking to yourself? And where's the midget?" Jessica said.

"U-uh, she left. She.. said she have important things to do. So.. yeah. Hehe."

"Well, that's odd. I don't think she's busy. That's why I wanted to treat all of you guys. Besides, she already finished her assignments." Yuri said while looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"C-can we just go now? I mean, I have to finish my assignments too." I asked Yuri.

"Okay, sure."


"Thanks for sending me home. See you tomorrow guys! Yuri, take care of my bestfriend okay?" I said while sending a wink to Jessica. Hahaha, she's so obvious.

"Bye Tiff! You should enter now."

I walked towards the front door while having some thoughts.

"But taetae~ I really want to eat an ice cream~!" I've been trying to convince my bestfriend to go out for the past 5 minutes. But she just won't give up.

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