Chapter 11: Hani

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Taeyeon's POV

"Ohmygod." I dropped my car keys while I saw her.

She walked towards me. Smiling.

"Missed me, Taeng?"

I just stared at her while she picked up my keys from the ground.


I just kept on staring at her.. What is she doing here?

"Stop staring at me, I know I'm pretty. Here, take your keys." She took my hand and placed my keys there.

What is happening to me?


I forgot there are a lot of students outside here.

Here we go again, whispers, whispers, whispers. Whispers everywhere. It's tiring.

"Who is that girl?"

"I don't know? She just transferred here. She's not familiar."

I heard the two girls whisperㅡno, it's not even a whisper, they're talking so loud like we don't exist.

"Is she Taeyeon's girlfriend?"

"What the heck, Luna? How can she be Taeyeon's girlfriend? My Taeyeon can't have a girlfriend. Taeyeon is mine."

"Psh, you and your nonsense."

These are only two crazy conversations (and there are many more) that I had to face everyday.

Crazy, possesive fans. /sighs

This girl beside me took my hand and pulled me to enter inside the campus. Phew, I thought I can't escape those crazy students.

"You didn't tell me you have so many fans in here. Wow. I thought you're only famous in clubs."

"Shut up, Hani. You're not helping me."

I opened my locker and took some of my notes for Chemistry. I just avoided Hani. Psh, annoying brat.

"So do you like someone now?" She asked while leaning her back on the lockers.

"So do you like someone now?" I choked when she said those words.

"So, it seems like you do."

"Excuse me?" I faced her.

"What? Oh taeng, I'm so sad. But, I'm always here to love you. I'm always here to wait for you."

"Stop saying nonsensical things, Hani. Aren't you tired?"

"I won't be tired if it's you, Taeng."


What was that?

I saw Tiffany slightly running towards our homeroom.

What's her problem?


Oh, sht. Did she hear everything Hani said? Argh.

"Who is that?" Hani asked with confusion.

"None of your business."

Tiffany's POV

"I'm always here to wait for you."

"I won't be tired as long as if it's you, Taeng."

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