Chapter 3

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I swear I was drugged when I wrote this... I'm sorry for your eyes


The next day Emily was so bored she watched Dora The Explorer, twice. Emily thought about calling some one but she just couldn't be bothered. She decided to check her e-mail. She has 5 messages, 1 from Hannah, 3 from Darren and 1 that was junk. When Emily saw the message from Darren he heart just stopped. She couldn't believe he sent her a message. She quickly clicked on one and waited impatiently for it to load.

She read it and it said:

To Emily
It's Darren I was just wondering if you still talk to Annabella because I wanted to call her. We have to do an English Project.
From Darren

She clicked on another one:

Hey Emily do you have G-force?
From Darren

She opened the third one

From Darren

Emily replied:

Hi Darren um no I don't have her number and I don't talk to her anymore sorry. And yes I do have G-force.
From Emily

Then she checked the message from Hannah:

To Emily how are you I'm bored? From Hannah

Then Emily logged out of her e-mail. She went in her room laid on her bed and took a nap.

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