Chapter Eight

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VIDEO GAMES!!!!!!!!!!

At five a clock Emily arived at Darren's house and rang the door bell

*opens the door*
Darren: hello?
Emily: hey Darren
Darren: oh hey Emily how are you?
Emily: I'm good you?
Darren: oh I'm good
Darren: hey come on in
*walks inside*
Emily: thanks
Darren: yeah so, what do you want to do?
Emily: I don't know, what do you want to do?
Darren: I don't know
Emily: well... We could... I don't know. Play a game?
Darren: um ... Yeah sure but what one?
Emily: hey I came up with the idea you choose the game
Darren: ok let's play uh Mario Cart
Emily: dibs on the skeleton turtle thing
Darren: dry bones?
Emily: yeah him
Darren: ok

So Darren and Emily were playing Mario Cart while Darren parents were taking his little brother to get some new shoes and a hair cut. They were on the last lap of Peach's Garden when Darren paused the game.

Emily: What was that for?
Darren: uh...
Emily: I was about to pass you and be first
Darren: what? I wasn't listening
Emily: I said I was about to pass you and be in front
Darren: oh yeah um why is the game paused
Emily: really? You paused it
Darren: oh I did whoops um.
-Darren un pauses it-
Emily: finally
-Emily passed Darren and drove through the finish line and won-
Emily: WOO HOO
Darren: damn you
Emily: I win, I win, I win. Na na na na na
Darren: oh shut up
Emily: ass
Darren: I know
Emily: so now what?
Darren: um well we could
Emily: could what?
Darren: well
-Darren leans closer to Emily-
Emily: well what?
-Darren leans in towards emily and they kiss-
Twenty four and a half seconds later
-stop kissing-
Emily: uh
Darren: ha um
Emily: well
Darren: um
Emily: wow
Darren: uh yeah wow
Emily: so
-looks around awkwardly-
Darren: yeah so
-Emily coughs-
Darren: you um wanna play another game
Emily: not any more
Darren: what
Emily: I said yep
Darren: ok cool
Emily: yeah you do realise I'll never look at you the same way again
Darren: yeah well do you um
Emily: um what?
Darren: wanna kiss again?
Emily: I was waiting for you to say that
Darren: hah yeah
-kissed Emily again but gets interrupted by a noise-
Darren: crap my parents are back
Emily: and your brother
Darren: yeah
Emily: quick play the game
Darren: ok but what place
Emily: any
Darren: ok

So Darren's parents entered the room
Darren's parents: having fun?
Darren: yeah
Darren's parents: want something to drink
Darren: nah do you Emily
Emily: no thanks I'm good
Darren's parents: ok
Emily: Darren get out of the way or I'll throw a banana at you
Darren: no I like being first
Emily: ahhh tree
Darren: ha ha


This is basically me at video games... Not gonna lie.

That was the worst kiss ever. I read fanfictions but I couldn't do better than that? I'm ashamed of my past self

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