Chapter Sixteen

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This apparently was just a filler chapter or something that I did. It's not important. The next one it really long so this is really short.

Today was Sunday and Emily went to Epping Plaza. She went to JB, JB Hi-Fi if that is how it's spelt, and looked for some movies she looked through all the kids movies and she found Charlie St. Cloud and bought it. She looked for The Luck of The Irish (old movie) but it wasn't there so when she got home she would only watch Charlie St. Cloud but she wanted another DVD but she didn't know why or what DVD. She was bored so she got Doctor Who with the 11th doctor (Matt Smith) it had the episodes with the Weeping Angles.

When she got home she went in her room and got her portable DVD player and sat on her bed put the Doctor Who DVD in and watched it load. Then she went over to the light switch and turned it off then went back to sitting on her bed. She probably shouldn't have turned the light off, she was scared shitless those angel things are fricking creepy.

So since it was 11:59pm and their was no way that Emily was going to sleep so she got her phone and went on Facebook but no one was on. So she just logged off and tried to get to sleep but she closed her eyes for seven seconds, but pictured Weeping Angles surrounding her and trying to kill her. Eventually she feel asleep and dreamt about Darren. I don't know what she was dreaming about that included Darren but it wasn't rated R, MA, M, or PG.

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