Chapter Four

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I hate this.... What was wrong with me... I had some mental illness I swear. This is so embarrassing.


Today was Emily's birthday she was turning 14 it was the third of January.

She was just sitting on her bed when she got a text from Joseph saying happy birthday when she read it she almost fainted she couldn't believe that he remembered her Birthday.
She sent him a thank you text and then felt bored so decided to watch glee the Valentine episode called "Silly Love Songs".

She was laughing when Kurt found a stuffed toy of two puppy's kissing on a heart and said "what the hell is this surpose to be"
Blaine said "it's clearly puppy love. It's cute." then the toy made a kissing sound and said I love you Blaine said "adorable"
Kurt just said "okay, this is creepy".
Even watching glee Emily was bored so she went in her lounge room and watched Lady And The Tramp on DVD.

The next day was he first day of year 9 she wasn't at all excited she wished holidays went for ever and school went for 5 minutes a year. Maybe I should tell you that she hated all of the teachers. She found it hard to stay in the same room talking to her like she is a four year old, it made her sick.

That day she got kicked out of three of her four classes it was a new record she never got kicked out of three classes the least was four at least it was until now.


Kicked out of classes? This is so not me. Who is this I never get in trouble so this clearly can't be full set on some weird thoughts of mine

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