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Atsushis pov :
Him and Aktugawa listed to what dazai said .
"Really wow "
Atsushi couldn't believe it .
They were heading back to the car so they can go over new information at home .
Atsushis arm started to itch like hell .
He resisted as much as he could from making a scene .
'my arm feels like it's on fire '
He sits staring out the window.
They got in Atsushi going to his room to grab something .
He stood by his bed itching his arm .
Blood was starting to stain the bandages .
He goes to the bathroom and changes them quickly so he can work .
He starts writing all the things that were said in the interrogations in detail .
Aktugawa looked over his shoulder.
"You spelt Richards name wrong"
"No I didn't that's how you spell it"
"I can prove to you that it is not"
Aktugawa Google's it and he's write .
Atsushi spelt it as ritcharde.
"How did you even get that spelling ?"
"That's how it sounds so that's how I spelt it "
"Give it here You've made so many spelling mistakes and your handwriting it horrific"
Atsushi rolls his eyes a s watches Aktugawa re write all that he had written .
Atsushi had to admit his handwriting was so much nicer but he doesn't know if the spelling is any better.
"Who the fuck taught you how to write ?"
Aktugawa yells at Atsushi trying to copy his writing.
"I did so it's really bad "
"Teach yourself to read to ?"
"Yeha "
He rolled his eyes and kept writing.
"We need to interrogate the boyfriend again tomorrow"
Dazai looks up from his sketch book .
The others nodd .
"So the father didn't say much then ?"
Chuuya walks back in from the kitchen looking at Atsushi.
"Yeah he just screamed at us for accusing him of such a crime . Then he calmed down and screamed again "
"Well at the moment we don't really have any leads "
Atsushi lays back on the couch .
Aktugawa grabbed his bad arm and shook him .
"Are you listening to me ? What the hell does this say ?!"
"Oh um . Because "
He's holding his arm trying not to show how much pain he's in .
"Stop being such a baby I have touched you "
Atsushi rolled his eyes as he stretches his arm out .
"Did you say the father was in the living room the whole time ?"
Dazai looked at Atsushi.
He sat up .
"Yeah that's what he said why ?"
"The mother said she didn't see either of them for at least 10 minutes"
"So he lied to us ?"
"Well no shit Sherlock "
He looked at Aktugawa who was starting at him .
"What you don't have to stare at me ?"
"Your arm is bleeding . Are you really that weak ?"
He looked at his arm , blood leaking out his sleeve .
He stands up .
"Oh um probably I guess "
Dazai tries to grab Atsushis arm .
"Let me see if it's bad "
"No it fine I'll just change by jumper "
He goes to the bedroom shutting the door .
He takes off his jumper , blood on his arm and sleeve of his shirt .
He takes off the shirt and gets the bandages out his bad he brought .
He unwrapped some of the bandages , his cuts bleeding .
"What the fuck ?"
He turns around Aktugawa at the door.
He slams the door and pushed Aktugawa to the side .
"Don't say anything "

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