10- Volunteering and Therapy

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All the Nevermore students were piled around the Quad

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All the Nevermore students were piled around the Quad. I was sleepily leaning on Jessica who was holding me close to her. I had woken up in the middle of the night after having a nightmare of my family completely abandoning me and my mother becoming physically abusive. It was something that I really didn't ever want to see again. Luckily for me, Jessica was awake and she comforted me till I fell asleep in her bed.

"What's wrong with her?" Ajax asked as he and Xavier walked over to us. Jessica sighed. "She had a really vivid nightmare." She said. I felt her hid me closer before she moved away and someone else wrapped me into their arms. I knew who it was immediately and hugged him back.

Xavier rubbed my back soothingly as he gave me a gentle squeeze. It was completely comforting and made me feel better immediately.

"All students will report for their volunteer jobs at 10:00 am sharp, followed by a community lunch at 1:00." Weems said as she looked at us all.

"As you know, this year Outreach day culminates in a very special event, the dedication of a new memorial statue in the town square, which will also include performances by Nevermore students." She added. I everyone began talking amongst themselves before Weems began talking again.

"As representatives of our school, I trust you all will put your best face forward." She said. Everyone began talking again and I finally let go of Xavier, feeling a lot better, just by his touch.

The teachers began to pass out our envelopes with our jobs in them. I smiled at Mr. Turner as he handed me and Xavier's our envelopes. I looked at mine and saw I got some place called the Weathervane.

"Oh my god, I got the Weathervane." Xavier groaned. I looked up at him and handed him my envelope. "So did I." I said with a smile. Jessica awed.

"I got Pilgrim World and Jax got..." She said as she looked at Ajax's envelope. "Uriah's heap. Ew." She said.

Ajax shrugged. "Yo, maybe I'll be with
Enid!" I laughed at him and shook my head. "Maybe." I said as I looked over at the werewolf with my Twin.

I sighed as I pulled my phone out and saw that it was time to leave for my therapy session.

I groaned again and put my phone back in my pocket. "Weems is waiting for us. We'll see you later Ajax." Xavier said as he laced our fingers together and pulled me over to where the woman was waiting for us with Enid.

"All ready to go Miss Addams?" She asked. I sighed. "Not like I have a choice but yeah." I said as we began walking to the van. Enid got in the back back while Jessica sat up front, Xavier and I in the middle.

"Camille, are you feeling okay? You look paler than usual." Weems said as I laid my head on Xavier's shoulder. I hummed.

"I'm fine. Just tired and in the need of coffee before I turn into a blood thirsty monster." I joked as I looked down at my hands. Xavier chuckled next to me as Weems began driving.

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