༻𝙰 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚎 𝚃𝚘 𝙺𝚎𝚎𝚙༺

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Another dream ...

"Promise me Kuni!" You slammed you hand in his desk

"Alright, Alright, I promise" he continues to finish some paperwork

"Do you mean it this time, I've been trying to hangout with you for forever" you cross your arms "and each time you somehow get sent to the abyss for another week or two, or you have to travel far somewhere" you began to sulk

He sighs "I mean it this time, I shouldn't be sent on another mission for awhile" he glanced up to see a smile plastered onto your face.

Seeing that expression on your face is why he fought so hard to get the next few days off.

"I already know what we're going to do, we can stop by the shopping center and roam around for a bit, then we can eat and after words we can watch the theater"

"And after the theater?" He spoke as he finishes up his paperwork, standing up and walking towards you, clasping your hand into his.

"After that we can just relax at the house I guess" you chuckle "and maybe enjoy sometime for our selves"

He nodded his head as you both make your way out of his office. Not everyone in the work place was quite used to the Balladeers change in mood recently. Of course he was still ruthless to his underlings, but he had more leniency towards their mistakes. If your work colleagues weren't so scared of you they would give you many words of thanks for taming such a beast.

Everyone stares at you both, in shock that the 6th smiles so warmly towards you. The stares continued all the way till you both left the building.

You chuckle and stare at your beloved

Scaramouches eyebrows furrow with confusion "what? What's so funny?"

"Nothing, it's just that everyone was staring at us up until we left"

"Then let them stare, if they dare question you or me, they will be dealt with" he growls


After sometime you both make it to the shared house. Taking of your shoes your body slams onto the king sized bed. Your once tense body melting into the blankets and pillows.

"Going to bed already?" He sounded disappointed

"No not yet, I'm not tired, it's just nice to lay down." You sigh

"Well good, I wanted to give you something before the day ends"

Your body immediately sat on the edge of the bed with your hands on your lap. "A gift?"

He looked at you nervously "it's more of a promise, but yea a gift" he walks towards you "give me your hand"

"Why are you gonna eat it?" You jokingly spoke

"Haha,,, very funny, now just give me your hand will you" you hand out your hand to the man you fell so hard for. You swore your heart skipped a beat each time you saw him.

He pulls a ring out from his pocket and slid it on your ring finger. He then displays his hand where he had a matching band lying on it.

You were stunned, speechless. You stared at the man who stood flustered in front of you. Tears trickling down your face.

"Hey why are you crying" his voice nearly cracked

You wipe away your tears "I just wasn't expecting this was all," you merge your hands with his "I never expected to fall so hard for a man before, I really thought the world had betrayed me" sniffles and hiccups erupted "And when I believed my heart was cold, I met you, and you warmed it right up, this means the world to me Kuni..."

A grin painted itself onto your face "so amuse me Kuni, just what are these rings a promise for, hmm?"

He sighs, pulling you in for a passionate kiss, catching you off guard, then pulling away still centimeters away from your face"It's a promise that we'll stay together for an eternity"

Tears trickled down your face as you began to think out loud

"An eternity huh"

"I can get used to that"

And with those words, the love of your life pulled you into yet another passionate kiss, this one deeper than the other. He pulls away giving you the most loving look you've ever seen"Cmon Y/n let's get ready for bed"

"Yea, let's get ready..."

An eternity...

This dream feels so real

If only it was...



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