⁂The Purest Snowflake ⁂ (Holiday Special)

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Before I continue I do wanna say that on this account there are two authors, we each have our own stories

With that, there is a xiao x reader fic on our page, there are 6 chapters out I believe and each chapter is well written!!!

If you love xiao then please check that story out and give it some love!!



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"You want to build a snowman...?" Scaramouche  questioned you

"Yes! Kuni! It'd be fun!" You hopped with joy

Your lover stared at you blankly, "Y/n we live in Sumeru, there isn't going to be any snow"

He stared at you still prancing around with joy, you had something up your sleeve "YES! I know!! Which is why I booked a trip to the outskirts of dragon spine!"-you merged your hand with his- "we did it every year since we got together in Sneznaya! But since I'm a fugitive now we can't really go there..."

He sighed "y/n,,, you hate the cold."

"Not if I'm with you" you smirked "and I bought a small cottage on the out skirts also, it's secluded, we'd be all on our own" you gave a flirty stare

He ignored your flirtatious remarks and gave you an even more stern look "you bought a cottage."

You grown "Yes! A small one! I have a lot of saving from when I worked in the fatui alright!"

Kunikuzushi pulls you into a kiss and chuckles "alright then, when do we leave?"

"The ship leaves in 5 minutes"

"Y/n the docks are a 30 minute walk from here."

"I know! I was hoping you could do that flying thing!"

"God damnit..."

And so you both made your way to the docks barely making it. There was no time to pack any bags or to even change out of your pajama's. The passing people look at you with a grin on your face and then compare that to the man who you held hands with

'Poor guy...' they all thought in unison

But nonetheless the ship pulled away from the docks as you lean on to your partners shoulder and fall asleep.


The ship docks into the Liyue Harbor and everyone gets off. You drag Kunikuzushi stall to stall and buy warm clothes, then make your way to the cottage. Once there you rush to the fireplace, desperately trying to ignite a flame.

"Kuni! Help me with this will you!"

He gets it on the first try...

Looking up to the sun still up in the sky you put on your puffer jacket and rush out towards the snow, Kunikuzushi following behind you.

As he builds this snowman with you he can't help but think about what he did to get to this point.

He thinks about how you somehow broke down his defenses and found a way to worm into his 'heart'. The amount of betrayals he went through, the torture of The Doctor, he smiles and thinks

I'd do it all again if it means I'd get to be with you

He looks at you proudly finishing the snowman, this is the woman he fell for, this is the woman he'd spend an eternity with.

'Maybe each moment didn't become thinner and fragile,' -he thought- 'maybe it becomes stronger'

You run up to him and jump up, giving him a hug. You knock him off his feet and collide into the snow together.

"Stop monologuing in your head! Let's go back to the cottage and cuddle up!"

You were also secretly monologuing in your head about your lover. How he had single handedly turned a silent killing machine into a talkative lovey dovey docile killing machine.

The killing machine part
won't change, youre still
a dangerous woman...

Kuni stares at the body that had thrown itself onto him "I think that sounds nice..."

And so the sun fell and you both found your way into the warm cottage, not regretting anything either of you did to get to this point.

You lay down and hold him into your embrace giving him many kisses of love.

This is why, even with the sheer cold, winter was the season that had brought you the most happiness.

This is why, even with the sheer cold, winter was the season that had brought you the most happiness

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