Authors Note

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Please Read- P.C.R. 

Firstly, thank you to everyone who enjoyed reading my story. 

Secondly, some readers who have read my story from the beginning or have recently started reading might have noticed that I unpublished this story for a little bit. Just a few minutes prior to doing so I was reading the comments. One person, in particular, kept commenting about how unrealistic, "illegal", "weird", and "UNACCEPTABLE" my story was/is. Or about my spelling mistakes. Or that my main character was/is unrelatable. After reading those comments, I wanted to get some things off my chest. 

I started writing this story as a way for me to cope with my mental health issues. Have you heard of escapism? It's supposed to be unrealistic. I started writing as a way to escape and I hope it helped others too

I know the main character's ice skating choreography is illegal. I know I can't spell. I know there are age limits to things. Babies can be actors too. Duh. 'Call the Midwife' for example. They have real newborn babies who play the roles of newborns and not CGI. 

My character might be unrelatable to some people but at the end of the day, she's not going to be relatable to everyone. Everyone is different. Everyone copes with things differently. Phoenix is isolated by the people around her. She only has a few people she can talk to, regardless of age.

You need to use your imagination for the routines and the outfits that I select. It's not my fault you obliviously don't have one. Don't be rude towards the people in the videos I used as a visual, they don't deserve the blatant disrespect.  (This is only pointed at people who have been making negative comments.) 

Not just on my story but in general- you should think before you comment. It might seem harmless to you or you're just voicing your opinion but it might not seem like it to the writer, an artist, a musician, an idol (whoever posted it), or another reader/viewer. You might take the joy or escapism from it. You are more than welcome to have your own opinion of my story/ anything I post but think before you share your opinion with others. At the end of the day, we're all human, we all need ways to express ourselves, and we all feel things. 

I am always open to feedback but be nice about it. I spend hours watching Dance Moms episodes over and over again to get the dialogue used on the show, planning and writing the chapters. Some chapters are better than others. 

Thank you to everyone who has read my story and has been nice in the comment sections. Thank you to the people who defended me and my story. 

I'm sorry this was so negative. 

If not, thank you for reading. 

Phoenix Chloe Rose

*I don't own anything. I just own the characters I create.*

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