Life Goes On And On And On

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Sage opened the door, largely ignoring her sister as she took a seat on the bottom of the stairs and began unlacing her Converses'.
Today had been good but also very long.

At least her magic had finally settled back down. Was every Nova going to feel the same? Or was that just Leah?

The noise of their mum's car pulling into the driveway let the sisters know she'd arrived, and a moment later Ceres clicked open the front door, let herself in, and observed the spaced she'd entered.

Sage was rather silently, like suspiciously silently, taking her shoes off, now on her left shoe. And Dahlia was watching her sister with complete confusion.

"If you grip your lace any tighter you'll rip right through the canvas of your shoe, my dear" murmured Ceres softly, taking her shoes off swiftly before making her way to Sage' side.

Sage refrained from rolling her eyes, but she let her grip loosen.

Like she'd said, the day had been very very long. Her magic felt odd and she was tired.

"Soo..." Urged Dahlia after a pause. "I reckon it classes as 'not now' now, so can we talk about the elephant in the room or???"

Sage groaned, half in annoyance and half in complete embarrassment at how the simple thought of the situation set her magic alight again within her cells. "Not now Dahlia".

"Why not? Why don't you wanna talk about this? It's a good thing" questioned her sister, earnest in her curiosity if not a little perplexed.

Every fairy learnt Nova's were special as they grew up. Sacred connections that fairies could make across all fae (and non-fae) species. The connections weren't all romantic, in fact only one was romantic, but these connections fostered whole society's, cities and settlements on them.

Communities could and are made around Nova's.

Dahlia glanced at her mum as if to say "Do something".

"Sage it will be okay" comforted Ceres, though Sage shook off the hand her mother placed on her arm. "I know Nova's can be scary but really it all work out fine. You and Leah will be happy".

Sage felt her eyebrow twitch and this time it was all annoyance. What is she trying to get at.

"Are you upset that Leah's in a relationship?" Theorized Dahlia in a quiet voice. "Because it doesn't matter. He's only some mortal human boy, you just go in there and boot him out of the way then you and Leah can go of into the sunset in love and -"

"But I don't love her" interrupted Sage completely taking herself by suprise. It was the truth, obviously, but with how her magic feels and these sudden expectations she could practically feel rolling off her family, she sort of expected to be in love suddenly.

But no, cause that's not how it works so this sudden pressure just feels... Sticky. Gross. Like you've touched a table and some weird film has been left all over your hand.

"I hardly know Leah we met today." Continued Sage after a pause, fidgeting with her fingers as she sat on the stairs between her mother and sister. "I'm not upset or angry or .. anything about Leah and Sam. I just feel..." She shut her mouth then, not sure what to say and so said nothing.

"I don't have some claim to Leah just because the moon spirit appointed her my universal bestie" she added after a moment.

"Of course not, we don't mean that—" said Ceres softly after sharing another look with Dahlia over Sage's head.

"-But you're both thinking it, and you said it near enough.. your first nova is statically the one you end up with" interrupted Sage getting up from her seat, suddenly feeling constricted. "But Leah has Sam so.. and who would I be to interfere... We just don't know anything..I mean for all we know Leah could be my greatest enemy"

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