Chapter 4

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I woke up to see Seojun next to me. He looked cute as always. I still remember..when he kissed me..I felt like I was floating in the clouds. I am still unsure if Seojun likes me or not. But that's okay. "Good morning Minsu!" Seojun said and smiled. "Good morning! What do you wanna do today?" I asked him. "Hmm Let's just stay here and hang out, I mean we can't do anything crazy since we have school tomorrow." Seojun said. "True..Staying here is a good idea!" I said. We just sat on the bed all day on our phones. We didn't have much to do, honestly. "Hey, Minsu?" Seojun asked and looked at me. "What's up?" I said. "Do you like anyone?" He asked. I looked at him. "Do you really want to know?" I asked. Seojun nodded so cutely. I looked down and smiled. "Okay.." I said. [Seojun POV] I was waiting very patently for Minsu to tell me who he likes. As his best friend, I wanted to help him get with that person! "Well..The person I like is.." Minsu said and got cut off by a phone call from his brother, Subin. "Subin?? What do you want??" Minsu said. "You need to come home today!" Subin yelled. "Why??" Minsu asked. "Mom found out.." Subin said sadly. Minsu dropped his phone and started to cry. "What's wrong Minsu??" I asked him as I was worrying so much about him. "My mom..found out..who I like.." Minsu said. "Oh..Is the person you like a bad person?" I asked. "No..It's just that.." Minsu said and I looked at him. "I like a guy." Minsu said and looked at me in the eyes. "A g-guy?" I asked. Minsu nodded. "Is she against that kind of stuff?" I asked. Minsu nodded. "That' sad..I'm sorry Minsu.." I said and gave him a warm hug. I smiled knowing I was helping him. Even though we kissed last night, I didn't really think he liked me, but I had other thoughts too. The feeling in my chest is coming again when I look at Minsu. "I need to go home to explain to my mother..Can you come along?" Minsu asked. "Of course! Anything to support my friend!" I said. [Minsu POV] We went to my house and Subin and my mom were sitting in the living room. Seojun and I sat in front of them. "Hello mom" I said. "Hello Ma'am." Seojun said. "Minsu!!" My mom yelled out. I looked at her. Subin looked at me. Seojun looked at me too. "You can't like boys!! You are supposed to be with a girl!! Not a boy!! Do you understand??!!" My mom yelled once more. "No, I do not understand." I said with a straight face. Subin and Seojun looked worried. "I can like whoever I want to like and if that boy I like makes me happy, I will keep on liking him despite what you think." I said with a tone. My mom looked at me like I was crazy. "You are not my son anymore. Pack your things and get out!!" She said. "Mom, Don't do this to Minsu!" My brother pleaded. "No. At least I will have a son who likes girls" My mom said. Subin looked down. I went over and hugged him. "It's okay" I whispered. "And is he the guy you like?" My mom asked pointing to Seojun. Seojun looked at me. "Yes mother. I like Seojun. Not as friends." I said and looked into her eyes. She started to cry. "How can you like your best friend??!!" She yelled out. "Get out!! Now!!" She raised her voice and forced Seojun and I to get out. We went back to Seojun's house without saying anything. We got into Seojun's room and I started to cry. "Hey..It's okay Minsu.." Seojun said and rubbed my back. I looked at him. "I'm sorry Seojun. I'm sorry that I like you. I can't control my feelings for you.." I said. Seojun hugged me. "Don't be sorry, I understand." Seojun said and smiled. I looked him in his eyes. I moved closer to him, as I did I started to look at his lips. He looked surprised that I was making a move on him. I went ahead and kissed his lips. I moved away and looked at him. I felt much better since I kissed him. "Let's go ahead and eat dinner" I said and got up. Seojun nodded and followed me. We went downstairs and got some cold noodles and coke zero and went back upstairs. "Do you wanna watch a show?" Seojun asked. "Yes!!" I said in excitement. "Let's see..Let's watch Goblin!" Seojun said and smiled. "Ooh! I love this show! It has Gong Yoo in it!" I said. "He is one of my favorite actors." Seojun said. We lay down on the bed and watched Goblin. Seojun fell asleep on my lap. He looks so cute..I just want to bite his nose! I smiled and kissed his forehead.

A/N : Hope you enjoyed it :)

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