betty (reggie) - James

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James' POV:

I waited until I saw the familiar curve of his jaw as he turned the corner and I grabbed his wrist. After he stumbled into the room with me, I locked the door and turned back to him. He was fuming.

"Reggie, I really need you to hear me out. I'm not expecting you to forgive me but please let me say sorry and don't cut in until I'm done. I know it's a lot to ask but please."

His hard mask that he used to drop just for me remained in place, but he nodded.

"Reggie, I won't make assumptions about why you quit the quidditch team, but I think it's 'cause of what I did. During the last game, I was riding on my Nimbus when I caught your eye, it was like I couldn't breathe. You heard the rumours from Barty and Evan, and you usually can't believe a word they say, but this time they were right. The worst thing that I've ever done was what I did to you. But if I just pulled you into a classroom, would you have me? Or would you tell me to go fuck myself? Or would you grab me by the hand? If you took my hand, would you believe it when I told you it didn't mean anything. I'm only seventeen, I don't know anything except that I miss you."

I took a deep breath and examined Reggie's face quickly. He still hadn't revealed anything. Maybe he really didn't care.

"Reggie, I know where it all went wrong, our song was playing during that party in the Gryffindor common room. I was nowhere to be found, I love those crowds, you know that. Plus, I saw you dance with Pandora. If I just pulled you through some doorway, would you even want me? Or would you punch me in the face? Or would you touch my cheek with your hand? If you touched me, would you trust me if I told you that the one I want is you? I'm still just seventeen, I don't know anything except that I need you. I was walking back to my dorm just thinking of you when she walked up to me. She started talking sweet and that old lie I told myself sat in the back of my mind. She said, 'James, kiss me. I like you.' That kiss was all it was but all I could think about was you." I could feel my throat tightening and my eyes welling with tears so I took a moment to steady myself. Regulus remained silent, but I could see his eyes were a little glossier than they should've been. How I wished I could wipe away all his tears, but how could I when I had caused them?

I huffed out one final breath and continued my speech. "Reggie, I pulled you into this classroom, I've been planning it for weeks now, but it's finally sinking in. Right now is the very last time I can imagine you'll still love me when you see me again. The only thing I want to do is make this up to you. So I pulled you in here to say I'm sorry. I wish I'd never kissed her but I need you to know that it's always been you. So now I am telling you I'm sorry, will you love me? Will you kiss me here better than she ever could? If you kiss me, will it be just like I hoped it would? Will it fix in you what I broke? I'm only seventeen, I don't know anything, except that I love you."

Finally, finally, Regulus' mask fell. He seemed almost angry at himself as he walked forward into my arms and took my face in his hands. My hand instantly went up to his waist and he pushed his lips into mine fiercely, angrily.

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