Chapter 1 ~ Accidental Overdose

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There was a strange silence in the air as Larry swallowed those pills. Maybe the air knew what he didn't. He'd taken too many. He didn't mean to! He just wasn't thinking. Larry felt his head go fuzzy and his body fell limp, lying back on his bean bag. The silence was deafening. He didn't bother moving. What was the point? His bones felt as heavy as bricks. He laid there, letting the world settle around him. 

The silence was broken by the slam of the bedroom door, and then Larry lost consciousness.


There were voices around him as he blinked back into awareness. He could hear them and just wished they'd shut up. He slowly opened his eyes to bright light. As his eyes adjusted, he realized they were hospital lights, and he was lying in a hospital bed.

"Larry!" A voice cried out next to him. He was tackled in a hug by a brown haired woman, his mom. 

"Mom, what's going on?" Larry asked. He was swiftly hit upside the head by a small hand.

"What's happening is you're in the hospital, dumbass."

"Hi Sal." Larry replied, rubbing the back of his head.

"Larry, what were you thinking, honey? You nearly died!" Lisa cried. 

"I wasn't thinking, mom. I didn't mean to do anything crazy!" He protested.

"Really? Cause it looked like-" Sal started to talk.

"I know what it probably looked like!" Larry interrupted his step-brother. "But I wasn't trying to kill myself!"

"Well honey, while that may be true, the doctors think you should be hospitalized for a bit. Just to clear your head!" Lisa said. 

"Great. So I have to stay here a couple days even though I'm totally fine?!" 

"No, Larry. A mental hospital." Lisa explained.

"But I'm not crazy!" Larry protested. 

"It doesn't mean you're crazy. Its just to make sure you're in a good place so this doesn't happen again."

"Do I have a choice?" Larry sighed.

"No. It's for the best." Lisa said. Larry groaned and flopped back onto the bed.

"Just great."

*time skip* 

"Do I have to do this?" Larry whined like a child as the nurses came to escort him to the ambulance. Lisa sighed. Sal hugged him. 

"Yes. You do. Don't worry, we'll visit." Lisa smiled at her son.

"Maybe this will make you think next time!: Sal said as he pulled away from the hug. 

"Oh, fuck off!" Larry huffed. He left after saying goodbye to his mom and Sal. "This is gonna suck." He said as he stepped into the ambulance. 

*time skip to at mental hospital*

"Hello Larry. I'm Nurse Joy. I just need to take your vitals." The nurse said. Larry sat on the table and let her do just that. 

"This is stupid. I wasn't trying to kill myself." Larry muttered. 

"You overdosed." The nurse stated. "This is protocol." She put the machine away. 

"Yeah, well, protocol sucks." Larry grumbled. 

"I know. Come follow me. I'll take you to your unit." Larry reluctantly followed behind the nurse. They walked up the stairs to the unit that Larry would be staying in. Larry sighed as he saw other teens milling about in the common area. 

"Your room is right down here. You do have a roommate who got here last night." Larry sighed again. "Here you go. Just get settled in, lunch will be served soon." Larry nodded and opened the door and walked in. He noticed the other kid in the bed closest to the window.

"You've got to be kidding me." Larry exclaimed as he recognized the boy in the other bed. "Phelps?" Travis jumped.

"Larry? What are you doing here?" Travis asked. Larry shrugged. 

"That's none of your goddamn business, Phelps." Larry said,

"Geez, sorry." Travis rolled his eyes.

"Why are you here?" Larry asked. "You know, this is a mental hospital and not bible camp, right, church boy?" he taunted. 

"Oh grow up, Larry." Was all Travis said in response. Larry tilted his head in confusion. That wasn't at all normal for Travis. He didn't fight back, he just went back to looking at the book in his hand. It was his bible, but he wasn't reading it, more like he was pretending to but his thoughts were elsewhere.

"I'm here cause I accidently overdosed." Larry said as he put his bag that his mom had packed on the empty bed.

"How do you accidently overdose?" Travis asked, confused.

"You don't pay attention to what you're taking." Larry said.

"Well, that's stupid." There was a moment of silence. "Are you okay now?"

Larry whipped his head toward the blond. Travis Phelps was asking if he was okay? Travis wasn't looking at him, though. His head was turned in front of him, looking at his bible, His eyes (or the one Larry could see) looked glazed over as if he wasn't seeing much of anything.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Larry answered, breathless from shock. 

"Good." was all Travis said, flipping a page uselessly in his bible.

"Sooo? Why are you here?" Larry sat on his bed and looked at the blond.

"What does it matter to you?" Travis asked. 

"I shared. If we're gonna be roommates for however long, we might as well get along." Larry explained. 

"I-" Travis started but was interrupted by the door opening.

"Lunch is here." said a nurse, poking her head in.

"Saved by lunch!" Travis muttered. He placed his bible on his bed and got up. Larry finally saw his whole face. His right eye was always bruised but it was looking worse than the last time he saw him. There was a bright pink scar on his neck and his blond hair had dried blood on the end in one spot. 

Travis walked out of the room and Larry followed behind. They got their lunch and sat down, eating in silence. Larry wanted to say something but decided not to. 

Travis ate a little but he didn't really eat much of anything. He waited for others to start to return their trays and then turned his in, even though he had barely touched his food. Then he returned to his room.

Larry finished his food and went back to the room as well. He walked in and noticed Travis was on the windowsill, just sitting and staring out the window.

"Hey." He greeted.

"What?" Travis asked, harshly. 

"Hey, hey, hey! We have to get along while we're roommates."

"Right." Travis said. "Sorry."

"Woah. What's up with you? Where's your fight?" Larry asked. Travis just sighed. The room fell silent for a moment.

"Is there anything worth fighting for?" Travis asked quietly. If the room wasn't so silent, Larry wouldn't have heard him.

"What the fuck? Why are you acting like this, dude?" Larry asked.

"Oh, fuck off, Johnson." Travis growled, getting off the windowsill and leaving the room, hitting his shoulder against Larry's harshly.

"Wait, Travis!" Larry said but Travis was already gone.

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