Chapter 5 ~ Sleep

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*tw for eating disorder and abuse*

Travis woke up. The sky was still dark outside of the window but his body didn't seem to care. He just wasn't tired. He sat up in his bed and looked across the room at where Larry was still sleeping peacefully. Who knew that they could even be friends? Not Travis, but he was glad that he was wrong.

Travis picked up his notebook from the nightstand and opened it up to write. The pen he had taken from the nurse's desk still in its pages. He clicked the pen and began to write. He was writing a letter that its recipient will never see.

Dear Larry,

I never thought we would be friends or that you would change your opinion of me. Now we are getting along and its making it harder to hold in my feelings. Maybe if I told you how I feel we could be something but I worry that you're only being nice. If my father knew he would kill me but I-

"What are you doing up?" a voice said, startling Travis. Travis quickly closed his notebook and looked over at Larry who was now sitting up.

"I couldn't sleep." Travis said.

"What were you writing?" Larry asked. Travis blushed, thankful for the dim light in the room.

"Oh, nothing. I was just writing because I can't sleep." Travis placed his notebook back on his table. The room was silent for a moment.

"Wanna sleep with me?" Larry asked. Travis froze.


"Like, sleep in my bed next to me. Sometimes it makes it easier to sleep when you have a sleeping companion." Larry said, blushing. Travis slowly got up from his bed and walked over to Larry's. Larry lifted the thin blanket and held it up so Travis could get under it, which he did. Travis laid down. Larry put the blanket down and laid down as well. They laid next to each other in silence for a bit.

After a bit Larry rolled over and put his arm around Travis, cuddling him. Travis didn't move. He thought Larry might have been asleep but then he spoke.

"Is this okay?" Larry asked. Travis smiled, blushing.

"Yeah." Was all he said in return. Both boys shortly fell asleep, neither of them waking until the morning.


"Wake up! Breakfast and vitals!" was what woke the boys once again. They opened their eyes to see that they were spooning, Larry curled up behind Travis. Travis blushed as he removed Larry's arm from around him.

"Did you sleep okay?" Larry questioned the blond. Travis didn't look at him when he answered, trying to hide his blushing face.

"Yeah. I actually did. Thanks." Travis answered.

"You can sleep with me again tonight if it helps." Larry offered, his own face turning slightly red.

"I'll think about it."

Travis and Larry left the room after getting ready for the day, Travis in another one of Larry's shirts. They got their vitals done and grabbed their breakfast trays, sitting at an empty tables together. Larry started eating but put his fork down when he saw Travis just pushing the eggs around the tray.

"Just an announcement." One of the nurses spoke up. "Please try to stay in your own beds during the night. No bed-hopping, please." Larry and Travis both blushed, knowing the comment was most likely aimed at them.

The room quickly became louder as people started to chat over breakfast. Travis was still just pushing around his food.

"Travis, aren't you gonna eat?" Larry asked.

"I'm not very hungry." Travis said.

"But you have barely eaten anything since you've been here. I actually haven't seen you eat a whole meal." Larry pointed out.

"I'm just not hungry." Larry opened his mouth to argue but was interrupted when a lady walked up to Travis.

"You're Travis, correct?" Travis nodded. "Hi. I'm Christine, the nutritionist here. Do you mind if we talked in a separate room?" Travis agreed and followed the woman to the other room, leaving his food behind. Larry looked at Travis' practically untouched tray and sighed. Then went back to eating his own food.

Larry finished eating and then went back to his room and sat on his bed. He took out his sketchbook and started sketching a picture of Travis.

Travis sulked back into the room 20 minutes later and sat on his bed. He was pouting.

"How did it go?" Larry asked, watching Travis but still drawing.

"They want me to gain weight." Travis said, pouting into his blanket.

"That makes sense. You're so skinny." Larry noted.

"No, I'm not." Travis said. "If I gain weight, I'll be fat."

"No, you won't. Travis, who told you that?"

"My father..." Travis said.

"Well, there's your problem. You need to unlearn everything, or just a lot of what your dad's told you."

"But that makes no sense. If I wasn't close to being overweight, why would my father force me not to eat?" Travis shook his head in confusion.

"Your father forces you to not eat? Travis, that's just more abuse. You are way too skinny. I need you to eat." Larry got up off his bed and went over to Travis and held his hands.

"But I don't even like to eat." Travis said, looking at Larry.

"We'll start slow. Okay. I promise." Larry said. Travis nodded.

"They said they were gonna make me drink some drink to try to gain weight." Travis told Larry.

"Good. Please drink them. You weigh practically nothing." Larry said. Travis hesitantly nodded.

"Group time!" A nurse yelled into their room. They got up and Larry let go of one of Travis' hands but kept hold of the other one.

"Let's go to group, yeah?" Larry said. Travis started walking out of the room and Larry followed behind.

After groups were done it was lunchtime and they walked to the common area to eat. They sat down with their trays and Larry began eating. He noticed that Travis was only pushing around his food.

"Trav, you promised to eat." Larry said.

"I'm not hungry." Travis said. Just then the nutritionist came by and handed Travis a drink. Travis put it on the table and stared at it.

"At least drink that." Larry said. When Travis made no move to pick it up he gave him puppy dog dog eyes which made Travis roll his eyes but take a sip of the drink. By the end of lunch, Larry had finished all his food and Travis had ate a quarter of his, after much pleading from Larry.

The rest of the day went by fine and then it was night time again. Larry and Travis got ready for bed in silence. They both sat down on their respective beds. Travis got out his notebook and Larry was doodling in his.

"Do you want to sleep with me tonight?" Larry asked, glancing up at Travis. Travis laughed.

"No, we're not supposed to." Travis blushed.

"Come on, who cares?" Larry questioned.

"I do. If we break the rules they will make us stay longer." Travis explained. Larry 'tch'ed but let it go, even though he'd prefer Travis to come sleep with him. Travis was comfy.

Both boys fell asleep that night, wishing they were cuddling again.

☆☆☆☆Word Count~ 1184Published~ 3/5/23

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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