Chapter 4 ~ Visit

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*tw for self harm*


The scream of 'Get up! Breakfast and vitals!' was what woke both boys from their slumber. They both reluctantly got out of bed. Larry walked over to Travis and gave him a hug, which startled the blond but he hugged back. 

"Good morning, Travis." Larry said as he pulled away.

"Morning, Larry." Travis said. Larry ruffled the blond's hair and looked at his clothes. He was wearing what he usually wore, a white button up, a purple sweater and shorts. Though, the staff had taken his cross necklace. Honestly, it looked uncomfortable.

"Don't you have any other clothes to wear?" Larry asked. Travis looked down at what he was wearing. 

"No, father hasn't brought me anything, and this is basically most of my clothes anyway." Travis shrugged and started to walk to the door. Larry sighed, he was really hating Kenneth Phelps right now. 

"Hold on." he said, and went to the drawers where his own clothes were. He took out one of his Sanity Falls shirts and threw it at Travis. "Wear this." Travis looked at it. 

"I can't wear your shirt. That's-" Larry interrupted Travis.

"Gay? Did you forget you came out to me last night? You can't use that as an excuse, Travvy. Get dressed." Larry said and left the room, leaving Travis blushing inside.

Travis spent some time debating it, but eventually took off his shirts and put on Larry's. It was more comfortable. Despite Larry only being a little taller than Travis, Travis was skinner and the shirt hung on him kind of like a dress but Travis didn't mind, and left to go eat breakfast. 

Larry looked over at Travis as he sat next to him. He blushed seeing the church boy in his shirt. He couldn't stop his mind from imagining Travis in his room, wearing his shirt for other reasons. He shook his head clear and looked down at his only semi-appealing food. 

Travis took the apple off his plate and started eating it, trying to ignore the turning of his stomach. 

"Thanks." Travis said, swallowing a bite of his apple.

"For?" Larry asked, shoving more food in his mouth.

"The shirt. It is more comfortable, so thank you." Travis said, sitting back in his chair. 

"Yeah, you're welcome. Anytime, man." Larry tried to brush it off. Travis got up and returned his tray after eating half his apple and then went back to their room. Larry finished eating before doing the same. He walked in to see Travis scratching at his arms, which, Larry noticed now that he was wearing short sleeves, were covered in scars. Larry should have noticed before, but his thoughts had been preoccupied. 

Larry went over to Travis and lightly took his hand away from his arm. Travis jumped at his touch. 

"Don't do that." Larry said softly. Travis tried to hide his arms, even though Larry had seen them already. Larry held his hands though and led Travis to the bathroom. Some of the cuts had opened from the scratching. The two were silent as Larry cleaned Travis' cuts. Then he also washed the dried blood off of Travis' hair. 

"Thanks." Travis said. Larry said nothing. he just brought Travis' wrist up and gently kissed it. The silence was broken by the nurse calling for group time. 

"Come on. Let's go." Larry said. He and Travis walked out holding hands and blushing. Travis let go once they left the room, which disappointed the brunet. 

The day went by fine and Travis and Larry got closer. Not close enough in Larry's opinion, but they were better friends now. Travis was really trying to not be rude. It was easier with Larry, he didn't feel like Larry was judging him all the time. 

They were now just chilling in their room after dinner. Travis was writing something in his journal and Larry was drawing him, not that Travis knew. A nurse came into the room. 

"Larry, hun. You have visitors!" she said. Larry smiled and got up.

"Have fun!" Travis said and waved before going back to writing. Larry said 'bye' and walked off with the nurse to the visiting room. He walked into the room to see Sal sitting in a chair, looking bored. 

"Hey Sal!" Larry said as he sat across from the blue-haired boy.

"Hey Larry!" Sal greeted back. "How are you doing?" 

"I'm doing fine." Larry answered. 

"Oh! Your mom is here too, she's just talking to a nurse or something." Sal shrugged. 

"Thanks for letting me know, dude." Larry smiled at his step-brother. "You won't believe who's here."  he said. Sal looked at him, curious.

"Who's here?" he asked. 

"Travis Phelps." Larry said. There was a small silence. 

"Travis?! Is here?!"

"Yeah." Larry leaned back in his chair.

"Is he being insufferable?" Sal asked Larry, who shook his head. 

"Travis isn't that bad, actually." Larry said. He thought about Travis, back in their room, in his shirt, waiting for him, and a soft smile fell on his face. 

"What? I've been saying that for how long and you haven't listened to me but one day in a mental hospital with him and you're swooning." Sal said playfully.

"I'm not swooning!" Larry protested. Sal just laughed at him. "I'm not!"

"I'm just joking, Larry." Sal laughed. "I didn't expect Travis to be here, though, Do you know why he's here?"

"I do." Larry said. "But I can't tell you. He told me in confidence." Larry said. Technically, he had no idea if Travis cared, but he wasn't gonna share Travis' troubles with anyone else without specific permission. Besides, it made him feel special that Travis trusted him enough to share, and he didn't want to break that trust. It felt too fragile. 

"So you guys are friends now?" Sal asked. Larry smiled.

"Yeah, I guess. He's my roommate here, so we have to get along." Larry said. 

"You're rooming with him? And you're both still alive?" Sal said, jokingly surprised. 

"Oh, shut up, Sal." Larry lightly punched his shoulder. Lisa came up to them and sat next to Larry. "Hey mom."

"Hey sweetie." Lisa said, giving her son a side hug. "How are you feeling?" 

"I'm fine, mom." Larry pulled away from the hug. 

"Good. You know I love you, right?" Lisa looked at her son who smiled at her.

"I know, mom. I love you, too." Larry rolled his eyes. 

*time skip*

Larry walked back into his room after the visit ended. Travis wasn't writing anymore, he was doodling in his notebook while lying on his bed.

"How was your visit?" Travis asked as Larry came into the room. 

"It was good." Larry answered, flopping on his bed.

"Who came to see you? Sally face?" Travis closed his notebook, hiding the pen in its pages. 

"Yeah. And my mom." Larry said. "Is your dad gonna visit you?" Larry guessed not but he asked anyway. 

"Probably not, but that's for the best." Travis said, stretching. "I'd rather he didn't." Travis' fingers brushed against the scar on his throat. 

"If he does, I'll come with you." Larry offered..

"They won't let you in the visiting room if you don't have visitors." Travis smiled at Larry as he pouted. 

"I don't care." Larry whined. 

"I know you don't. But they won't let you break the rules." Travis laid back on his bed and started at the ceiling.

"Lights out!" said a nurse as she opened the door to check on the boys. She left to go to the next room, leaving the boys to go to bed. 


this is the last of what I wrote in the hospital, so idk when the next chapter will be

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