Safer with you

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When Atreus made his way into Asgard you followed to keep him safe for his father's sake. Like Kratos, you were not from this land, but unlike Kratos, you had managed to stay hidden. At least until very recently. Fimbulwinter had forced you to relocate and Kratos and Atreus were kind enough to allow you on their land. When Thor and the All-Father showed up at their doorstep on an evening you happened to be over cooking, your cover was blown. Odin extended an invitation to both you and Atreus. You told him you would like time to consider it. You knew it was unwise to deny an offer from the All-Father, however, you knew just as well to blindly accept was just as foolish.

His voice still crawled in your ears ringing in your mind, "Ah, a beautiful deity of a land long gone and forgotten, who would have thought you'd end up so far from home? I've wondered about your people, I'd love for you to come by and enlighten me of your ways." His voice and his intentions slimy, sinister, but the curiosity was pure as a child's. He was a seeker of knowledge, that much was clear but according to Mimir, he was a calculating bastard who could manipulate you into believing the child that you gave birth to wasn't even yours. You thought you might be safe as your powers lay in protection. You could stop physical, magical, and mental assaults to a certain degree but you weren't sure how far your abilities extended.

"Y/N? How are you doing down there?" Atreus called from above you. Currently, you and he were scaling the side of the wall to Asgard. "I'm doing fine Tre, but I think this might be a horrible idea," you struggled to say. You were too busy making sure he was being attentive while finding footholds." You heard him laugh nervously, "You're probably right, just don't tell Father. Or Sindri. Or Brok. Or Mimir." You shook your head. "The list of who to tell is shorter," you called out right as he reached the top. From below him, you could see that he stopped and was talking to someone. "Tre? What's going on?"

"Oh two intruders, so...what about this big wall said visitors allowed?" A blonde stranger asked. His way of talking was slow and deliberate. It was clear he thought everyone was stupid but that he loved to hear himself speak. "We have business with Odin, he sent for us." You shouted from below. You started to climb up further when he dropped an apple down that almost hit you. "Hey! Watch it! That's dangerous," you cried. "That... was quite literally the point. Was that not clear?" He droned. He had Atreus dangling by his arm. "I think I'll drop you. Right on top of you," he said leaning over to look at you and flashing an amused smile. He had gold teeth that went with his golden skin and hair. He was snarky and cocky but he was incredibly handsome. "No, no don't!" Atreus yelled as he grabbed onto the Aesir man's arm. He gave him a disgusted yet surprised look. "What would Odin think if you killed his guest? He's Loki of the Jotunar and I am the last god of my realm!" You called from bellow. He rolled his eyes and pulled Atreus up. Your arms were growing tired from hanging for so long so you were very thankful when the stranger reached down to pull you up. He had dropped Atreus on the ground but you, he held your arm for a moment longer. He looked you up and down and his eyes glowed for a moment and he smirked cockily. "Come along" He dragged his words out slowly and seductively. He let you go and turned and walked away assuming you'd both would follow.

"That's Gjallarhorn so that means you're Heimdall?" Atreus asked. "Obviously," he said so matter-of-factly that it made you wonder if you'd missed something. He turned and looked at you, "no you didn't miss anything, but that doesn't mean you're any less clueless than he is," He said with a lilt to his voice. He'd be almost cute if he wasn't so infuriating. He was starting to get under your skin just a bit. He led you into Asgard talking the entire way there. "You love the sound of your own voice don't you?" You asked. "Of course I do, you do too," he said. You said nothing and rolled your eyes. He and Atreus talked and you allowed your mind to wander as you took in the sights of the beautiful landscape and the city below. You turned your attention back to their conversation as the dolly got closer to its landing point. "You're not here to help people, you're here to help yourself. And you, you actually have pure intentions. Protect the brat and try and make peace with the All-Father. Stay on his good side and keep the people you care for safe. Admirable. Except for the part where you'll do whatever you have to in order to protect Loki. So your intentions could change based on what he does," Heimdal mused. "Or based on what you do," you said sizing him up. "How fun," he just about purred.

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