Atreus, it could have been so simple

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Fluff request for @elevenwednesday

Things with Atreus always felt incomplete. When you'd greet each other there was an awkward pause. When he would walk you to your home on Midgard there was always a hesitant smile before he left. The years after Ragnarok had left many of the realms in a state of rebuilding. Midgard was finally free of Fimbulwinter so you spent a good amount of your time with Jormangundr at the lake. The world serpent had grown to tolerate you over time as lived his life out in the lake. You and Atreus had put it together that the giant snake that he and Angrboda put the soul into was Jormangundr who fought Thor and then got sent back to the past. The Jorm that Atreus met as a young boy was the one sent back by Thor, strange how that worked out.

"Hey, Y/N. I uh figured you would be here," Atreus said as he sat and joined you at the riverbank. You laid your head on his shoulder and you felt him tense up. "Hello, Champ," you said softly. He chuckled nervously, your nickname for him never got old even after Ragnarok. He still after all this time got nervous with any physical touch or any sort of affection. "Hey, Atreus?" you started. "Yeah?" he looked down at you as you grabbed his hand in yours and traced the scars and lines over it. "Why didn't you and Angrboda ever court each other?" you asked. His face turned as red as his father's tattoos. "Oh, well...that's-that's because, I, see. Ahem, the thing is that...I liked someone else," he said blushing harder than you'd ever seen him blush before. "Oh, I see. Is it Thrud?" you asked quietly. He shifted uncomfortably. "No, can we just drop it? I know she doesn't like me back," he pouted. "Well, then she's stupid, whoever she is," you grumbled.

He looked at you with a flustered expression. "You think so? You think if I told her she would feel the same way?" he asked with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. You sat up on your knees and grabbed his shoulders with determination. "Yes! You should go for it! I want you to be happy," you said fighting the urge to throw up. The thought of him being with someone else hurt in a way you didn't like to acknowledge. It was a heartbreak that hurt too much to be shunned. When he and Angrboda left to find the rest of the giants and you stayed behind with Freya to learn more magic. He stood up and held your arms bringing you up with him. "Ok, Y/N, I will," he cleared his throat. "Y/N, I love you," he said with faux confidence that you could always see right through. "Me? You love me?" you asked shocked. He nodded slowly and you smiled and brought him in for a hug. "I've loved you every day from the moment we met all those years ago," you whispered. He pulled away from you for a moment. "Then why didn't you come with me? Why did you stay behind? I missed you so much and I hated being without you. It was so hard. I wanted to come back home to you every day for years," he told you. "I thought what you and Boda had was something special and I thought I'd be in the way of that," you explained. He chuckled at your overly considerate way of behaving. "You know you could be a little selfish sometimes. It wouldn't hurt," he said as he caressed your cheek. You leaned into his touch as he brought you closer. "Can I kiss you?" he asked. "Hmmm, am I your girlfriend now?" you asked in return. "Yes," he said with finality.

You leaned in closer and he met your lips with his inexperienced ones. You giggled as he tried to impress you with the knowledge Mimir shared with him. He pulled back with a huff. "This is way harder than Mimir explained it to be."
You giggled and brought him back to your height and brushed your lips against his softly. "You learn something like this by experience," you giggled before kissing him softly and leading him. He learned quickly and slowly and timidly slid his tongue in your mouth. You smiled into the kiss and he slid his arms around your waist and brought you closer. He pulled back first and was breathing heavily. "I'm so glad we met," he sputtered. You smiled again and kissed his cheek. "Let's head home, I have plenty I can teach you. You'll like my lessons much more than Mimir's" you giggled. His face turned even more red as you held his hand and walked him to the mystic gateway.

Once you made it back to the treehouse you said hello to Kratos and Mimir. Freya was out at the moment. You wanted to tell her so badly about you and Atreus, she had become a mother figure for you and you told her everything. Once you and Atreus stepped foot into your room, you heard Mimir say, "Well, it's about time," Kratos was silent for a moment before he asked awkwardly, "Do you think...he knows how to...woo?"
"Well, I think she is doing most of the wooing, but he knew enough to get this far," Mimir said.

Meanwhile, in your room, you lit some candles and sat on your bed. Atreus closed the door and looked at you nervously. "We're not going to do anything we're not ready for," you said sweetly. He nodded and sat with you and your scooched closer. He held your hands in his and brought them to his lips. "I adore you, I want to be the best I can for you," he whispered. It made your heart flutter. "I love you so much Atreus," you whispered. He left small kisses all over your face making you giggle and laugh. "Atreus! That tickles," you squealed. He grabbed your waist and brought you into his lap. He looked at you with adoring eyes before he went back to tickling and kissing you all over your face and then down your neck. Your breath hitched when he bit down slightly on your collarbone. "So Mimir did teach you something after all," you panted. He smiled at you and kissed you sweetly. "I am so in love with you," he said smiling widely. You blushed and hugged him.

Going forward you and Atreus spent all the time you could together. The two of you told everyone and they were all smug about how long it took. It made the two of you laugh at how silly you'd both been. Angrboda wasn't surprised but she did seem a little sad. The two of you enjoyed your lives together and eventually married when you two were older. Kratos was proud and stayed with the two of you and stood by Atreus' side as he gave birth to your first daughter who you named Laufaye after his mother. You all lived her long and happy lives together.

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