I should have seen you coming

713 13 5

Request for @TigerGirl9995

"Father is going to be pissed," Atreus muttered as you and he walked through the Great Hall towards the living quarters. You and he were both covered in mud from your run-in with Heimdall. He pushed and bullied you and Atreus until Thor came and stopped him. "Yeah, well no shit. You just had to run off and I being the dumb big sister I am, had to chase after you," you sighed. The mud on your clothes was starting to chafe and itch and the uncomfortable sensation was starting to wear on your nerves. "Look, no one said you had to follow me. That was your choice," he pointed out. "Listen, you goat's ass hair, I'm trying to help you. You could at least pretend to be grateful. Heimdall read you to filth, you are entitled and disrespectful," you seethed. He rolled his eyes, "Yeah, well whatever. At least I wasn't making goo-goo eyes with Heimdall as he threw us in the mud," he said accusingly. You scoffed and said nothing. He wasn't wrong. Heimdall was incredibly attractive, even if he was an asshole.

You loved Atreus, you really did but that didn't change the fact he was a brat and was now in his angsty teenage stage. He was technically your half-brother. Your mother, Laufaye, had a life before Kratos. You were part Aesir and half Jotünn, but not her birth child. She took you in when you were about 2. Sometimes, he treated you poorly, like you weren't really a part of his family. You tried to understand, but it was hard to see it from his perspective. The prophecies never mentioned you so maybe to him you weren't meant to be a part of his journey and destiny. That didn't matter to you though, Kratos was your father just as much as his and you wanted to at least assure his beloved son was sort of safe. As safe as he could be in Asgard as a giant with Thor walking around.

You and Atreus walked the rest of the way in silence. When the two of you made it to the room he'd be staying in you were both met with a strong-looking redhead. She walked up to Atreus with her sword pointed at his chest backing him up against a wall.
"Loki, right? I gotta say the irony of this isn't lost on me," she said. He held his hands up in defense. You readied your weapons. "This was his room, you know?" she said. "His?" She pinned him back fully with her sword and you moved forward to attack. "My, brother, Modi," she said as if he should have known. Considering how Atreus did finish Modi off, he should have. You faltered for a moment just in time for her to drop her sword and say, "Now it's yours! Enjoy!" she said with a sweet smile. Both you and Atreus stood dumbfounded. "Uh? What?"  Atreus asked your jaw barely hanging on as you remembered to lift it off the ground. You couldn't understand the change in her demeanor and if you were being honest with yourself it annoyed you a bit. What was the purpose in putting on a show to intimidate your king's guests? You rolled your eyes and tuned out their conversation. Her name was Thrud and from what you gathered she was about your age around 20, her father was Thor and her uncle was Heimdall. "Hey, Y/N, right? There's a change of clothes in the room next door if you'd like," she said with a smile. "Yeah, changing out of this mud would be nice," you said as you stoed your weapons and went to the other room.

You took in the room, it was quaint, cozy and neat. There were a few books and a wall of short swords. You walked to the wardrob and found a neat white dress. It had a brown belt and no straps, not particually your style, but much better than being covered in mud. You closed the door and stripped off the offending articles and sighed when they were off. There was a bucket of water with a washcloth so that you could get cleaned up as well. The water was cold and it made you shiver a bit. You hummed a soft tune to yourself completely lost in your own world so you didn't hear the door open. "Ah, am I interrupting something?" a cocky voice pierced through your momentary peace. You turned your head slightly and made eye contact with Heimdall. You sucked your teeth. "Ever heard of knocking?" you asked him irritatedly. You made no move to cover yourself. You wouldn't give him the satisfaction of reacting. His eyes raked your body and then he rolled his eyes dramatically. "Well, since this is my room, no I hadn't considered it," he sighed.

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